275 Prospect Street, PO Box 67, Norwood, MA 02062
781.762.6804 Phone | 781.762.0229 Fax

Month at a Glance- December

Month at a Glance- December

See what's happening at the Balch this month!

Mustang Winner Wheel-  December 1-12- Join the fun at "Mustang Winner Wheel" on Facebook. The 4th and 5th grade committee will be hosting daily raffles for the first 12 days of December with nightly drawings starting at 6:00pm.  (Yeti, HP, Apple, and more!) All proceeds go towards end-of-year activities for our fourth and fifth grade students.

Friday, December 6- Term 1 Report Cards sent home and in Aspen

Saturday, December 14- PTO Sponsored "Pancake Breakfast with Santa" 8:30-10:30 am- All families and public welcome! ($7/person)

Tuesday, December 17- PTO Meeting 7:00pm- virtual link here 

Wednesday, December 18- In school Winter Concert at 9:00 am (students bring your instruments)

Friday, December 20- Half Day- 11:40 dismissal for Winter Break (No School 12/23/24-12/31/24)

Wednesday, January 1- No School- Happy New Year!!!

Thursday, January 2- Welcome back to School!


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