275 Prospect Street, PO Box 67, Norwood, MA 02062
781.762.6804 Phone | 781.762.0229 Fax


Dear Parent(s) / Guardian(s), 

Welcome to the 5th grade!!  As a fifth grader, your child will have more than one teacher.  We will switch each day.  This will help your child get used to the responsibility needed to succeed at the middle school.  Mr. Downs will be teaching math and science, and Mrs. DePillo will be teaching reading, spelling, and social studies.  We will be doing writing with both teachers.  Your child’s time will be well spent – every minute will count.  He or she may even come home exhausted from all the thinking done during the day. 

During the school year your child will need the following items:

  • A few pencils
  • 2 one inch 3-ring binder (One is for Science and Math, the other is for Reading, Spelling, and Social Studies)
  • 2 two-pocket folders (Health and Writing)
  • 1 one-subject spiral notebook (science center)

We have a fantastic group of children in our grade. We are looking forward to a terrific year ahead. With your help we can make it happen.


Mr. Downs


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