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Curriculum and Homework


Students will have homework Monday-Thursday nights. There will be one page of math and one page of language arts. Homework is to reinforce skills learned in class. These pages should be completed independently and returned the next day. Often times, especially in the beginning of the year students need help reading directions, and math problems. Our goal is to have students reading independently and working on their own. It is always beneficial to go over homework passed back as it will give your child additional understanding of the lesson. Please let me know if your child has any difficulty.

In addition, your child will receive a reading log which is also part of their homework each night. It is not an option as some might believe. Please have your child record books he/she has read or books that have been read to him/her for at least 15 minutes each night. Reading logs will be collected. Students will be give credit for each reading log returned.

Your help at home is greatly appreciated!

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