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Summer Reading Letter from K-5 Teachers

A Letter from Your Teachers:

It is important that you keep reading and learning all summer in order to minimize “summer slide” and maximize summer gain. Pick something that you will enjoy reading, and challenge yourself to read as much as you can.

All students are expected to read three (3) books this summer that they will discuss with their class in September. Each student is required to read:  one fiction, one non-fiction, and one free choice book. Though only three books are required, we hope that you will choose to read many more books to “grow your brain.”

To help you remember what you have read, consider doing one or more of these projects for sharing with others in September when you return to school.

  • Draw a picture of or describe your favorite character.
  • Draw a picture of or describe your favorite part.
  • Make a poster of your favorite scene.
  • Design a new book cover.
  • Create a puppet of one or more of the characters.
  • Design a bookmark to go with one of the books.
  • Create a new ending for one of the books.
  • Write a description of the main character from one of the books.
  • Develop a comic strip summary for one of the books.
  • Write a letter to the main character of a book.
  • Write a letter to the author about what you did nor did not like about one of the books.

Use the summer reading lists to help you find books that are fun and interesting to read. Join the Norwood Library Reading Program to help keep track of all the books you are reading and participate in the “We Are Readers” celebration in September at school.

On the first day of school, please bring your completed reading log your teacher gave you in June (or your printed Norwood Library online Summer Reading Program log), along with whatever projects you may have done so you can share with others the great reading you did over the summer.

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