275 Prospect Street, PO Box 67, Norwood, MA 02062
781.762.6804 Phone | 781.762.0229 Fax

Community Service Credit-Bearing Initiative


Norwood High School encourages students to engage in their school and town community in a capacity that allows them to give back in a meaningful way. One way for our students to demonstrate such great citizenship is through community service. Our collective goal as a school is to encourage, support, and acknowledge the work being done by our students to enhance the world around them.

Overview and Credits/Certificates Awarded:

Students who perform 30+ hours of documented community service and complete the subsequent forms (see attached), will be reviewed for general credit attainment based on the following scale:

  • 30 hours = 1 credit
  • 60 hours = 2 credits

(Maximum of 2 credits toward general credit requirements)

  • Credits will be reported on a student’s transcript under the description of “Community Service Program”, with an accompanying explanation on our NHS School Profile.
  • Students cannot include hours from a place of employment

Students who perform 100+ hours of community service each year over their high school career (400 hours) will also receive a special certificate and recognition at Class Day and/or during their graduation ceremony.


  • Students must complete the “Student Community Service Application Form” (available in the School Counseling office) and submit it to Mrs. Morrison, the counseling office Administrative Assistant.
  • That form will be forwarded to our Career Advisor for approval. He/she will check for legitimacy and return the form to the student’s school counselor.
  • The student’s respective school counselor will meet with the student to review the expectations and guidelines for attaining credit and/or certification.
  • Following the activity, the student will complete the “Community Service Reflection Form” and submit it to his/her school counselor. He/she will also complete the “Community Service Verification Form” as the activity/activities are completed and submit it to his/her school counselor.
  • The student’s school counselor will award credit, and if warranted, add the student to a list acknowledging completion of the certification (to be read at Class Day/graduation).

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