275 Prospect Street, PO Box 67, Norwood, MA 02062
781.762.6804 Phone | 781.762.0229 Fax

New Student Registration Process

New student registration is done through an online portal.  Click the link below:


If you do not have access to complete the forms online, you can download, print, and complete the following forms:

Household Registration - one per family
Student Enrollment Form - one for each student enrolling in a district school
Copy of Birth Certificate, original Passport, or Visa
Home Language Survey - one per student (Check here for translated forms to assist in completing this form.)
Health History Form - one for each student
Proof of Residency - please read this form carefully
Residency Affidavit (only if applicable)
Grades 7-12 physical examination and up-to-date immunizations information

Please have the following documents available:

  1. Transcript (all high schools attended)
  2. Special Education Documents (if applicable: IEP, 504)
  3. Discipline History/Attendance
  4. Student's birth certificate
  5. Proof of residency, as outlined in the registration packet
  6. Current physical examination and immunizaton record
  7. Photo ID for a parent/guardian

After ALL forms are completed and available, please call the guidance office to schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor.

Sending schools can fax documents to the Norwood guidance fax; however, a meeting with a counselor cannot be arranged until all documents are received.

Guidance Phone: 781-352-3853       Guidance Fax: 781-255-0673

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