Anti-Bullying Information
Extensive training occured throughout the Norwood Public Schools regarding Bullying Intervention and Prevention. The Norwood High School Counseling Department has implemented an Anti-Bullying Curriculum into their Freshman Seminars. Because of Massachusetts state laws and reglations, NHS School Counseling believes it is important for all students and families to be familiar with information pertaining to bullying/cyberbullying.
- What is Cyberbullying? An incident in which a person is tormented, embarassed, harassed or threatened by another person through technology
- Examples of Cyberbullying: Hateful/threatening online messages to peers, posting embarassing photos without consent of person who sent photos, hate blog aimed at specific individuals etc.
- Why do Kids Cyberbully? Motivated by revenge/retaliation, peer pressure, venting anger, for personal fun etc.
- Cyberbullying Prevention: Do not post personal information on social networking sites (ie: full name, address, school), do not share internet passwords, do not add friends to Facebook/MySpace/Twitter unless you know who they are, block friends if they become aggressive, refuse to pass along cyberbullying messages you receive, if you wouldn't say it in person, do not say it online.
Don't Write it, Don't Forward it, Don't Tolerate it!
How to Respond to Cyberbullying: Stop, Block, Tell
Stop: Do not respond to cyberbully; do not retaliate. Save texts/messages
Block: Block communication from cyberbully; check privacy settings
Tell: Seek guidance from parent/guardian or school administrator
Reference: Cyberbullying information obtained from Human Media Relations: "I Was Cyberbullied," New York, 2010.
- Anti-Bullying Information
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