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November "CAL"endar

November "CAL"endar

Un-be-LEAF-able news!

November is upon us and things at the CAL are un-be-"LEAF"-able.  Students and staff have contributed to the bulletin board in the front lobby by sharing things they are thankful for.  As you can expect, many are thankful for family and friends.  While others are thankful for some of the activities they participate in such as hockey, football, and cheerleading as well as their pets.  In addition, many are thankful for being part of the Callahan community.

We have enjoyed events sponsored by our amazing PTA, including the Family Fun Night, Ice Cream Social, book fair and the Whale program from the New England Aquarium.  As a result of the Whale program, we have adopted a Right Whale named "Manta".  You can gather information about our whale by going to rwcatalog.neaq.org and searching for catalog number 1507.  Then go to view sightings to see where the whale has traveled.

Upcoming  events include the following:

November 10th- no school due to professional development.  

November 16th- evening parent conferences 

November 17th- early release at 12:30 for parent conferences

November 22nd- early release at 12:30 

November 23 and 24- no school


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