275 Prospect Street, PO Box 67, Norwood, MA 02062
781.762.6804 Phone | 781.762.0229 Fax

Norwood Public Schools Student Services Department

Under federal and state special education regulations, Norwood Public Schools has a duty to locate, identify, refer, evaluate, and if eligible, provide a free, appropriate public education to students with disabilities who reside in the town of Norwood. For parent(s) or guardian(s) of children ages 3-21 years of age, who are suspected of having a disability or developmental delay, and who would like more information, please contact Lori Cimeno, Director of Student Services at 781-440-5842. 

Student Services Staff
Lori Cimeno Director of Student Services: Special Education, Counseling, Nursing, 504, Title IX for Students (781) 440-5842
Dotty Cronan Secretary to Director of Student Services (781) 440-5838
Kate Davey Assistant Special Education Director  (781) 440-5834
Karen Milch Assistant Special Education Director, Out of District (781) 762-6804 x5862
Chiara Amendola Behaviorist-BCBA  
Katherine Hannon-Perera Behaviorist-BCBA (781) 440-5871
  Behaviorist-BCBA (781) 440-5867
Dan DeLuca High School Team Chair (781) 934-4597
  Middle School Team Chair  
Kathleen Gould Elementary Team Chair (781) 440-5865
  Early Childhood & Elementary Team Chair (781) 440-5802 x3100
Jill Driscoll Nurse Leader  (781) 440-5963
Erin Regan Guidance Dept Chair Grades 6-12 (781) 352-3516


Norwood Public Schools provides a comprehensive array of services to meet the needs of students, ages three through twenty-one.

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