275 Prospect Street, PO Box 67, Norwood, MA 02062
781.762.6804 Phone | 781.762.0229 Fax

Norwood Extended Day


Welcome school year 2024-2025!

Norwood Extended Day is an afterschool program operated out of the Norwood Public Schools.  We are an extension of the Norwood Recreation Department and provide high quality after-school childcare for students in K-5th grades.  The program follows the public school calendar.  The program operates at 6 sites: Willett (Kindergarten only),  Balch, Callahan, Cleveland, Oldham and Prescott (1st-5th).  Students arrive at the cafeteria from school and participate in a variety of activities including arts and crafts, STEM, active play games, and outside time.  


Extended Day Mission
Norwood Extended Day welcomes parents, family members and caretakers to join us in our efforts to facilitate a warm, culturally responsive environment that recognizes the individual contributions of every child in our program. It is the mission of Norwood Extended Day to provide a space for students to learn and grow. Norwood Extended Day facilitates this through the commitment of its staff and administrators for K-5th by coaching youth and providing ample opportunities for social engagement and experiential enrichment.

Administrator Contact Information
781-551-3480 extension 2

Director: Erin Grogan

Financial/Office Coordinator: Nevine Gadalla

Assistant Director: Christine Chastanet

Assistant Director: Jeremy Conlin

Extended Day Services 
All parents enrolling in after school must complete registration paperwork and submit a $25 non-refundable registration fee once accepted. Registration fee is due yearly. All life-saving medications for allergies and chronic illness must be in Extended Day’s possession before a student can attend the program

2024-2025 After School Willett Hours
Monday – Friday 1:40 PM to 4:00 or 6 PM

2023-2024 Elementary School Hours
Monday – Friday 2:05 PM to 4:00 or 6:00 PM

Headquarters: James R. Savage Educational Center, 275 Prospect Street, Door 23, Norwood, MA 02062
Balch Site: 1170 Washington St.
Callahan Site: 116 Garfield Ave
Cleveland Site: 33 George Willett Parkway 
Oldham Site: 165 Prospect Street
Prescott Site: 66 Richland Road
Willett Site: 100 Westover Parkway

Early Dismissal Days
Programming may be offered on early release days based on staff and enrollment.  This program is offered at an additional cost.

Vacation Care Programs
February and April Vacation days are Tuesday through Friday 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM. Extended Day Vacation Care is open to All Norwood Public School elementary aged students and all K-5 students attending St. Catherine of Sienna Private School. 

Extended Day Offerings
A professional staff, fine arts, crafts, sports and creative games, homework and reading time, holiday fun, outdoor recreation, board and strategic games, free time and imaginary play, February and April Vacation programs, special activities, 13:1 staff to student ratio and accepts vouchers.




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