Norwood Public Schools Bullying Information
- Bullying Information
- Norwood Public Schools Policy Prohibiting Bullying
- State of Massachusetts Bullying Law
- Parent, Student, and Teacher Resources
- Report a Bullying or Cyberbullying Incident
Bullying Information
To address the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (DESE) mandate to develop and submit a Bullying Intervention and Prevention Plan by December 31, 2010, the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent established a Bullying Prevention Task Force consisting of 19 members representing each school, the police department, and the community at large. This committee has been meeting since school started and has produced the following documents. We invite parents and community members to review the information contained on this page so we can gather your feedback to refine and improve our prevention and intervention plans. A public meeting was held at the Coakley Middle School on Monday, December 13th at 7:00 p.m.
The Norwood Public Schools (NPS) in partnership with parents, guardians, and the community and in keeping with the NPS mission believes that students have the right to learn in a safe and nurturing environment, a community thrives when individuals contribute to the well being of others, and integrity, respect, and cooperation are essential in building trusting relationships. Bullying and harassment are major distractions from learning and compromise a school’s ability to educate its students to their greatest potential. The Norwood Public School System is committed to providing a safe, positive and productive educational environment where students can achieve the highest academic standards. No student shall be subjected to harassment, intimidation, bullying, or cyberbullying, therefore, The Norwood School Committee prohibits bullying (as defined by M.G.L. c. 71, § 37O) throughout the Norwood Public School System.
Norwood Public Schools and Bullying
- Norwood Public Schools Bullying Prevention Plan
- Norwood Public Schools K-12 Programs and Curriculum Outline
Reporting an Incident
Reporting Option 1: The Norwood Public Schools administration strongly encourages anyone who sees or hears about a bullying/cyber-bullying incident to contact a school administrator personally and immediately as a way to help resolve any harmful situations as early as possible. It is important to act right away! Students or parents who would like to speak with someone about a bullying/cyber-bullying incident should contact any one or more of the following staff members at their school:
At the elementary level: contact your principal, adjustment counselor, or any teacher.
At the Coakley Middle School: contact your principal, a housemaster, a guidance or adjustment counselor, or any teacher.
At Norwood High School: contact your principal, a dean, a guidance or adjustment counselor, or any teacher.
Reporting Option 2: If a student or parent feels uncomfortable with option 1 and would prefer to file a bullying/cyber-bullying report form, s/he can click on the following link:
- Reporting a Bullying or Cyberbullying Incident Form (English pdf)
- Formulario de denuncia de un incidente de acoso o ciberacoso (pdf en español)
- Formulário de Denúncia de Incidente de Bullying ou Cyberbullying (pdf em português)
- نموذج الإبلاغ عن حادث تنمر أو تسلط عبر الإنترنت (باللغة العربية pdf)
- Rapòte yon Fòm Ensidan Entimidasyon oswa Cyberbullying (Kreyòl Ayisyen pdf)
This report can be printed out by the reporter, filled in by hand, and then turned in to the principal’s office.
Reporting Option 3: (Online Anonymously): If a student or parent feels uncomfortable with options 1 and 2 and would prefer to file a bullying/cyber-bullying report anonymously, s/he can complete the Bullying Form (button below):
Online Anonymous Bullying Report
This report will be sent electronically, and anonymously, to the school. If you are not sure about what school to send the report to, just take your best guess and it will be forwarded to the appropriate school for investigation. If you want, in lieu of submitting a paper report to your school, you have the option of including your name in the online report (where you report what the aggressor did).
State of Massachusetts Bullying Law
The Law:
In May of 2010, the Massachusetts legislature passed Senate Bill 2404, "Act Relative to Bullying in Schools" prohibiting bullying in schools.
Senate Bill 2404 “prohibits” bullying in schools. Specifically the bill created Massachusetts General Laws (MGL) Chapter 71 § 37O and 603 Code of Massachusetts Regulation (CMR) 49.00 and modified certain existing criminal statutes.
When Bullying Become a Crime:
Parent, Student, and Teacher Resources
Administrators, school psychologists, school adjustment counselors, and guidance counselors are knowledgeable about student needs and referral services that can be recommended to students and their families. When the need arises, the appropriate school staff meets with the students and their families to discuss various service options available in and out of school. The following two local agencies are available for outpatient services:
- Riverside Community Care ( is located at 190 Lenox Street, Norwood. Phone #: 781-769-8670
- Child and Family Psychological Services ( is located on 89 Access Road, Unit 24, Norwood. Phone #: 781-551-0999.
- Bullying Prevention Guide by
Additional Student and Parent Resources are listed below:
Signs of Bullying: What to look for...
- What You Can Do About Bullying
Norwood Public Schools:
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
The Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC)
The Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center is housed at Bridgewater State College in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Our goal is to bring low or no-cost services to K-12 education, law enforcement, and other professional caregivers for children in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Our services include school programs, conferences, workshops, consultation, and research, in the area of bullying prevention, cyber bullying education and prevention, and violence prevention.
MARC was founded and is directed by Dr. Elizabeth Englander, a professor of Psychology at the College, and an expert in the field. MARC also benefits from the services of other academics and faculty members, graduate students, undergraduate students, and other support staff.
- When Your Child Is Being Bullied.....
Practical strategies and ways to work with your child's school - Cyber bullying
Practical, non-technical tips for how to discuss this with your child or teen - Social Networking Sites
What do your kids need to know? Here's what to tell them. - Six Steps for Checking Your Facebook Privacy
A must read for everyone who uses Facebook. - No Child Left Online....
A Guide to Electronic Game Playing for Children of Different Ages - Avoiding & Responding to Problems on Facebook
Some common problems, and help with the Privacy Settings - GLBT Bullying.. some facts
GLBT children can be targets for bullying and cyber bullying - Texting Tips
Want to keep your kids safe while they text? Some basic tips - It's Confidential
Understand why you can't always get information from your child's school - The Bully Project
Tools and Resources
- Mission Statement, Vision, and Portrait of a Graduate
- Core Values
- Message from the Superintendent
- Administration
- Bullying Information
- Contact
- District Calendar
- District Staff and Committee Meeting Calendar
- District MCAS Assessment
- Equity Audit
- School Nutrition
- Health Services
- Aspen Family Portal Information
- News
- Norwood Schools Fine Arts
- School Improvement Plans
- School Safety and Security
- School Start Time Implementation
- Strategic Plan
- Student Handbooks
- Student Registration
- Suicide Prevention and Intervention Resources
- Technology
- Transportation Services
- Wellness
- What's Happening in Norwood Schools (opens in new window)
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