Happy spring! The weather outside is delightful, but we are still working diligently in all areas of the curriculum at the Callahan School. I am a firm believer in the benefits of baseball, softball, lacrosse, soccer, bike riding, and just playing together outside. I must remind all families, however, that there is still much learning to be done, and we strongly encourage a schedule in the home that includes homework and plenty of rest.
Our first graders have finished geometry and are beginning place value. They are writing poetry, studying non-fiction, and beginning a science unit on energy.
Grade two is working on subtraction, writing poetry, finding character traits in the Scaredy Squirrel books, and beginning a science unit on plants.
Our grade three students are learning about comparison of fractions, researching famous Massachusetts Citizens, mastering their multiplication tables, writing cursively, and beginning a science unit on rocks and minerals.
The fourth graders are working with fractions, finishing MCAS preparation problems, researching regions of the U.S.A., and studying forces in science.
Grade five is studying the American Revolution, writing restaurant reviews, beginning book reviews, preparing for M.C.A.S., finding the volume of three dimensional objects, and they’re beginning a science unit on biology.
We have tentatively set the following dates for our math/science MCAS tests:
May 7 Grade 3 math
May 8 Grade 3 math
May 9 Grade 5 math
May 10 Grade 5 math
May 13 Grade 4 math
May 14 Grade 4 math
May 15 Grade 5 science
May 16 Grade 5 science
Other Callahan Events
Thursday 5/16 Basket Raffle
Friday 5/17 Professional Development Half Day
Friday 5/24 Memorial Day Program – 9:15 A.M.
Thursday 5/20 PTA Program – Opera to Go – 9:15 A.M.
Friday 5/31 Callahan Field Day
Tuesday 6/11 PTA Board Meeting – 7:00 P.M.
Thursday 6/13 Grade 5 Concert/Graduation 7:00 P.M.
Friday 6/14 Grade 5 Play Day – Oldham
Wed & Thurs 6/19 & 6/20 Grade 5 Rocket Launch
Tuesday 6/25 Last Day – 12:00 P.M. Dismissal