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Dewey Decimal System

The Dewey Decimal system is a number-based system that we use for organizing books into categories. Dewey is broken down into ten mail categories, and each of those is broken into ten, and so on. The chart below will give you an overview of what's in each category.

The more specific your number gets (say, 973.775 instead of 900), the more specific your topic is:

900 is History & Geography
970 is History of North America
973 is the United States
973.7 is the American Civil War
973.77 is Civil War Hospitals, Charities, and Prisons
973.775 is the book Women doctors and nurses of the Civil War.

For a complete list (to the ones place) of Dewey categories, visit OCLC's Dewey Summaries page

Dewey Numbers Category Tttle What the title means This section has books about:
000-099 Generalities & Information Systems Collections of facts, and how information is organized World record books, computers, encyclopedias, Bigfoot
100-199 Philosophy & Psychology The science of thought: how we think about things, and what we think about Self-help, logic, ethics, brain research, optical illusions
200-299 Religion Gods and creation stories from all cultures Religions and mythologies from all over the world
300-399 Social Sciences How society functions Education, law, military, peoples' rights, folklore


Language Vocabulary, grammar, and foreign languages Dictionaries, grammar guides, foreign language dictionaries, sign language 
500-599 Natural Science The world around us Math, chemistry, space, weather, dinosaurs, science experiments, wild animals
600-699 Applied Science/Technology Things people have done using science Medicine & health, vehicles, construction, engineering, domesticated animals (livestock and pets), cooking
700-799 Arts & Recreation What we do for fun Art and architecture, crafts, music, drawing, sports, games, joke books, movies
800-899 Literature Everything we don't keep in the fiction section Shakespeare, plays, poetry, books about other books
900-999 History & Geography What we're done and where we've done it Maps, ancient civilizations, countries of the world, historical events, wars


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