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Principal's Newsletter October

Principal's Newsletter October

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We have had a very busy beginning two months of school.  The many activities that the PTO has run have been very successful and well attended, Ice cream Social, Back to School Barbecue and most recently the Halloween party.  I would like to thank our hard working members of our PTO that organize and volunteer at these activities.  The Halloween party had many activities for our students of all ages.  It has been brought to my attention that some of our students were not on their best behavior in the gym where the DJ was and some of the smaller children were intimidated by this.  It would be my hope that at PTO functions parents or guardians would be responsible for the behavior of their children.  We want everyone to enjoy the activity and feel safe doing so. 

Our week of wellness activities went very well.  Healthy snacks were encouraged and students did a great job bringing them into school every day.  We have continued this campaign through October and some teachers may choose to carry it on throughout the year.  Try it Tuesday was such a success that we ran out of edamame salad at first lunch so I got peapods for Try it Thursday for second lunch.  I would say 90% of our students tried the offerings.  Every month the food services department will offer something new.  Our “walk at school” was a success with the beautiful weather adding to the fun.  It was nice to have many parents join us.  I have posted a smilebox of our walk in the photo gallery on the Prescott web page. 

We had our first enrichment program, the a cappella group “Ball in the House” were truly amazing.  The students loved them and they sent a nice message about team work and how working together can be very rewarding.  Thanks to our enrichment committee for bringing the group to our school. 

This week we held our “Bullying Awareness” week.  We had many activities that taught our students skills and strategies when and if they deal with bullying.  Our week was based on the book, “Have you Filled a Bucket Today’ and focused on positive ways to treat people.  Every day in the café we watched videos and on Thursday we had “Mix it up at Lunch” day where students sat at different tables assigned by number.  Table leaders read questions to ask students and we shared buckets that had been filled out by our students.  If you get a chance take a peek at the bulletin board in the front hall to see the bucket fillers at our school!

Conferences are fast approaching.  I hope you have had the chance to set up an appointment with your child’s teacher.  It is very important to your child’s success in school that communication between home and school be frequent.  I look forward to seeing many of you on November 6th and 7th.   I will be available at both conference times if anyone would like to see me. 

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