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Principal's Update - June 2013

Principal's Update - June 2013

 Dear Parents/Guardians,

 I hope everyone has a safe and restful summer vacation. 

Summer reading and summer math packet have been revised.  For summer reading students are expected to read at least 3 books, one fiction, one non-fiction, and one a book of their choice.  There is a list of suggested activities for each book that are due back to school the first week.  Math packets have also been revised and are also due back the first week of school.  These packets will be graded and returned to students.  If for some reason you need a replacement please call the school and we can mail a packet out to you.

If you are new to our school all the registration materials are on the web page.  You can bring them back to school the last week in August and register your child then. 

 I would like to thank all of the parents, students, and staff that have been so supportive this year  and made it another great year to be Principal of the Prescott School!

See you on September 4th, Open House for first grade on September 3rd at 2:30pm!

Mrs. Brianne Killion



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