275 Prospect Street, PO Box 67, Norwood, MA 02062
781.762.6804 Phone | 781.762.0229 Fax

MCAS dates

MCAS dates

Mark your calendars! Important MCAS dates for Grades 3,4,5

The testing schedule for the Callahan School:

Grade 3 ELA: April 11th and 12th 

Grade 4 ELA: April 24th and April 25th

Grade 5 ELA:  April 26th and April 2th

Grade 3 Math:  May 2nd and 3rd

Grade 4 Math:  May 8th and 9th

Grade 5 Math:  May 10th and 11th

Grade 5 Science: May 16th and 17th

Make ups for ELA- May 1-3, Make ups for Math May 21-23


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