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Archaeology and Ancient Rome

Scientific Itineraries in Tuscany

Fiesole Archaeological Area
Available in English and Italian, this resource from the Institute and Museum of the History of Science in Florence, Italy provides information for those interested in exploring the ancient buildings, art and artifacts in the village of Fiesole. Along with an introductory article to explain the architectural importance of the theater, public baths, and other structures built by the ancient Etruscans, there is a color photograph showing the Fiesole Theater, which is still open for performances. Although the bibliography is in the Italian, the site links to related resources contain historical background, a variety of photographs, and interactive maps.
Topic: Rome (Italy)--Antiquities, Rome (Italy)--Buildings, structures, etc, Roman Theater (Fiesole, Italy)  
Language: English  Lexile: 1600  http://brunelleschi.imss.fi.it

Rome 1-1000

Torres Rome  

Tacitus told of the fire that devastated Rome in AD 64. Beginning in the Circus, it spread across the neighborhoods and hills, fanned by the wind. Just four of the fourteen districts remained unharmed by the fire. Rumors spread that Nero compared the fire to Troy as he sang on his private stage during the fire. The losses were great, but the ambitious Nero was eager to build a new palace and rebuild the city with broad streets and city regulations. This timeline also covers the division and fall of the Roman Empire.
Topic: Great Fire, Rome, Italy, 64  Language: English  Lexile: 1240  Magazine http://archive.archaeology.org

Jewish Captives in the Imperial City: Arch of Titus and Colosseum Detail Destruction of Jerusalem Temple
Before it was called the Colosseum, Rome's famous building was known as the Flavian Amphitheater. The enormous amphitheater was a place of entertainment, including gladiatorial games and mock naval battles. A hidden inscription indicates that its construction was funded by the plunder of the Jewish temple in Judea  in 70 A.D. When Vespasian became emperor, Rome was in debt. Titus was the conquering army general, and  son of Vespasian, who brought back treasures and slaves to fund its construction. The Arch of Titus also celebrates this Roman victory.
Topic: Titus, Emperor of Rome, 40-81  Language: English  Lexile: 1400  http://www.biblicalarchaeology.org

The Flavian Amphitheater 
The Flavian Amphitheater, now remembered as the Colosseum. Todd Bolen/bibleplaces.com.               

Archaeologists Bring High-Tech Space Tools to Earth
The classic tools for archaeology digs are still in use but some new technology has joined the search for artifacts and ruins that reveal the culture and history of the past. Discover how remote sensing, GPS, and satellites helped find the lost city of Ubar. This ancient city in the Arabian Peninsula was the starting points for desert caravans bringing frankincense to Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome. Satellite and radar images revealed the trails that have been used for thousands of years. Imaging radar can see through forests or sand, find irrigation canals, and locate prehistoric roads.
Topic: Remote-sensing images, Ubar (Extinct city)  Language: English  Lexile: 1430  http://www.nasa.gov

Ancient Roman Life Preserved at Pompeii


Darkness fell across the city of Pompeii on a summer morning as Mount Vesuvius erupted nearly 2,000 years ago and buried the city. The buildings and people were preserved by volcanic ash, allowing archeologists to unearth it since the 18th century. Nineteenth century archeologists didn't bother with one neighborhood they uncovered because it didn't have fancy villas or public buildings. It was where people who weren't wealthy had homes and workshops. Those now responsible for Pompeii's conservation want to document what's already been uncovered before it is lost to weather and
Topic: Pompeii (Extinct city)   Language: English   Lexile: 1230    Magazine   http://science.nationalgeographic.com

Massachusetts Archaeological Information

Massachusetts Archaeology

Massachusetts Archaeology Sailing back in Time

The Fiske Center Blog - Weblog for the Fiske Center for Archaeological Research at the University of Massachusetts

Kelleher, Caitlyn. "Finding Parker's Revenge: Archaeologist Has New Evidence from Day One of the
Revolutionary War." Wicked Local - Lexington. Lexington Minuteman, 2 Oct. 2015. Web.
27 Oct. 2015.

Sherman, Sarah. "Golec Preserves Stories, Unearths Others." SentinelSource.com. The Keene Sentinel,
17 Oct. 2015.  Web. 27 Oct. 2015.

Sweeney, Chris. "What We Learned from the Archaeological Excavation at Old City Hall." Boston Magazine
6 July 2015: n. pag. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.

Volunteer Opportunities

Crow Canyon

Earthwatch Expeditions - Archaeology & Culture

National Park Service, United States Department of the Interior - Archaeology Program

National Park Service

Projects Abroad - Inca Projects & Archaeology in Peru for Teens

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