Research Topic Suggestions
Peruse encyclopedia entries, get ideas from databases. What interests you? What topics matter to you?
A list below of suggested topics:
Soccer Forensics Dreams Single sex vs coed education Hockey Immigration
The recession Teen pregnancy Social networking Alcoholism Art in education
Ethics of biotechnology Pop culture fads Gangs Immigration Cyber-bullying
Pitbulls (aggressive dogs) Jackie Robinson - breaking the color barrier College
or not Engines Post-career football Cults W.W. II Airplanes Green technology
Electoral college Gender inequality Government propaganda Advertising
Racial profiling Serial killers Film noire Holocaust origins Snowboarding
JFK Assassination Ghosts Google Corporation NFL History P.T.S.D.
Coco Chanel Fenway Park Plastic surgery Substance abuse Drug Trafficking
Racial profiling Ebooks or print books Education expectations Civil Rights Children's
television programming Term limits College athletes - pay them? President Obama
Isolationism World trade Dress codes Music Homelessness Health care
Private schools Charter schools Owning or renting Teen alcohol/drug abuse Type of
governments Tax codes Supreme Court cases Media and violence Prejudice
Use of electronic devices in school Capital punishment Future jobs Facebook
Changes in education School start time Role of government Importance of the Arts
- EResources
- Ebooks
- Contests and Opportunities
- Faculty Resources
- Library Good Reads
- GradPoint (opens in new window)
- LibGuides
- NHS Library Seminars (opens in new window)
Historical Links
- Immigrant Groups in the West
- Immigrant Groups in the West Making the Connections
- Immigration Symbols
- Immigration West
- Industrial Revolution Resources List
- Industrialists
- Korean War
- Legacy of Jim Crow
- The 60's
- Women and the Industrial Revolution
- Working Women and the Industrial Revolution
- Working Women During the Industrial Revolution
- Against Slavery
- Immigration
- Louis Braille An Exceptional Man
- MLA and APA Style Guides
- Norwood High School Home
- Quick reference
- Research & Instruction
- Summer Work
- Textbooks
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