Decades in America 1920's - 1990's | |||
Comprehensive coverage of eachdecade including pop culture, |
Great Events from History: ---------------------------------> |
30 specific points in U.S. History
- Civil War: Gettysburg
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- Depression: The WPA
- Gilded Age
- Great Depression and New Deal
- Great Migration North
- Harlem Renaissance
- Immigration
- Integration of Baseball
- Integration: Brown v. Board
- Integration: Plessy v. Ferguson
- Internet Revolution
- Korean War
- Labor Movement
- McCarthyism
- Muckrakers and the Progressive Era
- Native Americans: Wounded Knee
- Prohibition
- Scopes "Monkey Trial"
- September 11 Terrorist Attacks
- Spanish-American War
- Underground Railroad
- Vietnam War
- Voting Rights Act of 1965
- Watergate
- Women's Rights: Roe v Wade
- Women's Suffrage
- Woodstock
- World War I
- World War II: Attack on Pearl Harbor
- World War II: Japanese-American Internment
- Zoot Suit Riots
The Ancient World, Prehistoric - 476 c.e.
The Middle Ages, 477 - 1453
The Renaissance
The Sixteenth Century,
The Seventeenth Century,
The Eighteenth Century,
The Nineteenth Century,
The Twentieth Century,
The Twentieth Century,
The Twentieth Century,
Discovery Education
Discovery streaming and more.
Quick access to a ton of facts. Terrific research database provides excellent resources with helpful tools to save you time
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SIRS Issues Researcher
Terrific research database provides excellent resources with helpful tools to save you time.
Excellent Websites
- EResources
- Ebooks
- Contests and Opportunities
- Faculty Resources
- Library Good Reads
- GradPoint (opens in new window)
- LibGuides
- NHS Library Seminars (opens in new window)
Historical Links
- Immigrant Groups in the West
- Immigrant Groups in the West Making the Connections
- Immigration Symbols
- Immigration West
- Industrial Revolution Resources List
- Industrialists
- Korean War
- Legacy of Jim Crow
- The 60's
- Women and the Industrial Revolution
- Working Women and the Industrial Revolution
- Working Women During the Industrial Revolution
- Against Slavery
- Immigration
- Louis Braille An Exceptional Man
- MLA and APA Style Guides
- Norwood High School Home
- Quick reference
- Research & Instruction
- Summer Work
- Textbooks
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