Louis Braille An Exceptional Man
Louis Braille, Creator Braille family home, Coupvray, Franc
If you have ever known a blind person or even just read about someone who was blind like Helen Keller, you have probably heard about a written language called Braille. Braille is a way of writing words using raised bumps so people can read with their fingers. This web site is all about Louis Braille, the man who invented this language for the blind. Here you can learn about his life, why he created letters for the blind, and more.
- Topic: Braille, Louis,--1809-1852
- Language: English
- Lexile: 1430
- Biography http://www.braillerman.com
- 200 Years: The Life and Legacy of Louis Braille
- Encyclopedia Britannica Braille
- What Is Braille? American Foundation for the Blind
Outstanding website with excellent information and graphics. What is Grade 1 braille and Grade 2 braille?
A (Slightly) Different Introduction to Braille
The purpose of this site is to present different ways to learn Braille so that those interested can choose the way that is best for them. Like most languages and written systems, Braille has developed and evolved over time. This site explains the difference between cells and codes as methods of learning Braille and the advantages of each. The code systems are especially effective in learning mathematics, science, and music. This site presents an excellent overview, but it also has many links for more in-depth information about Braille systems.
- Topic: Braille
- Language: English
- Lexile: 1290
- http://www.dotlessbraille.org
"The three main codes used by Braille readers in the United States are the English literary code, the Nemeth code for mathematics and science, and the Music Code. Other codes used in the United States include the Computer Braille Code--a one-for-one transcription used for programming languages and literal expressions like web addresses--and specialized codes for sciences like chemistry."
Braille Converter Eases Web Use
RoboBraille allows the visually impaired to send text documents by e-mail and receive an MP3 audio file or electronic Braille translation back in just minutes. Braille conversion is a complex process for the average computer user, so a consortium of European Union organizations developed an automated system. Although still in testing, RoboBraille is currently translating 400 requests a day, with the capability of handling thousands. Learn more about RoboBraille, electronic Braille, and future plans for this free service.
- Topic: Braille, Communication devices for people with disabilites
- Language: English
- Lexile: 1430
- News Source: http://news.bbc.co.uk
Freedom Machines
Learn about freedom machines, or assistive technology, in this PBS site on machines that help people with disabilities. Alternate keyboards provide custom keys for communicating in words and phrases, smaller keys for limited range of motion, or keyboards accessed by electronic pointing devises. Closed-circuit television can be used to magnify text or images for the visually impaired, while optical character recognition scanners can input print into speech synthesizers or Braille embossers. Refreshable Braille displays lift pins to display one line of print at a time, while screen readers can make computer menus, commands, keystrokes, and text accessible to the blind.
- Topic: Self-help devices for people with disabilities
- Language: English
- Lexile: 1550
- News Source: http://www.pbs.org
The Sound of Learning: Albano Berberi
Albano Berberi loves to play video games. In one game, a mad scientist is stealing his stuff. He must run through passages and fire laser pistols. What's different about the games he plays from the games you might play is that his games are based on sound effects. Albano is blind, so his video games don't need elaborate graphics, just detailed sound effects. He plays the violin, but he also uses special devices that adapt computer text and paper textbooks into audio readers or Braille pages. Students like Albano can also write papers by dictating them into their computer.
- Topic: Self-help devices for people with disabilities, Universal design
- Language: English
- Lexile: 840 Video
- http://www.edutopia.org

New England Historic Genealogical Society
Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan, 1888.
On This Day: Helen Keller Comprehends the Word 'Water'
An incredibly significant moment involved the day Anne Sullivan taught her blind and deaf student Helen Keller the meaning of the word water. April 5, 1887, was a major turning point for Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan which was followed by accomplishments no one thought possible. You will learn about Anne Sullivan and Helen Keller's attempts at communication and the eventual breakthrough in this article. You will also find excerpts from Keller's autobiography, quotes from Sullivan, and biographies of both women.
- Topic: Keller, Helen,--1880-1968, Sullivan, Annie,--1866-1936
- Language: English
- Lexile: 1220
- User Rating: Stars: 5.0Stars: 5.0Stars: 5.0Stars: 5.0Stars: 5.0
- http://www.findingdulcinea.com
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