MLA and APA Style Guides
Writing your Works Cited Page and In Text Citations
FYI Specifically if Citing an Image:
- Name of Artist or Creator. (if one is found)
- Title of Picture
- Date of Creation. (Use n.d. if no date is available)
- Institution and city where the work is housed or supporter of website.
- Name of Website.
- Medium of Publication. (web, print, etc.)
- Date of Access.
Citation Tools:
- EasyBib
Just plug in the correct information - bibliography and citations. Create a personalized account and have your information available 24/7. - Citation Machine
Mr. Loja's fave. Very clear directions. - How to Cite A Source - Finding Dulcinea
Well organized and clearly stated. Get answers here.
- KnightCite
Just plug in the source information to create your footnotes. Maintained by Hekman Library at Calvin College.- FYI Specifically if Citing an Image:
- Name of Artist or Creator. (if one is found)
- Title of Picture
- Date of Creation. (Use n.d. if no date is available)
- Institution and city where the work is housed or supporter of website.
- Name of Website.
- Medium of Publication. (web, print, etc.)
- Date of Access.
- FYI Specifically if Citing an Image:
- Purdue Online Writing Lab – MLA Formatting and Style Guide
Anything you need to know about MLA formatting is here. From Purdue University.
- Purdue Online Writing Lab - APA Formatting and Style Guide
Anything you need to know about APA formatting is here. From Purdue University.
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- MLA and APA Style Guides
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