The Simoni Family continues to generously fund an essay contest for Norwood High School seniors.
- PRIZES: First - $ 2,500; Second - $ 1, 500; Third - $ 1,000.
- TOPIC: Current Political Event which has its roots in American History SOURCES: Minimum of SIX
- LENGTH: 1500-2000 words FORMAT: MLA Research Paper Guidelines
- DUE DATE: Submit TWO word-processed copies to Ms. Drummey or Mrs. Orlinski no later than 2:30 pm
- Date to be determined.
5 Components:
- Discussion of current event
- Research of historical material
- Linking of current event to historical material
- Research Paper format
- Presentation: mechanics – grammar, spelling, usage, etc.
6 – flawless
5 – excellent
4 – good
3 – mediocre
2 – poor
1 – unacceptable
Thus, grades will range from 5 to 30.
**Winners will need to submit an electronic copy.**
Any questions? See Ms. Drummey or Mrs. Orlinski in 305.
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