Hot Lines
Child Abuse/Parental Stress
DSS Child at Risk Hotline 1-800-792-5200
Answering service for DSS. Can give referrals to services in the area. Can help caller determine the need to file a 51A report. For during business hours.
Girls and Boys Town National Hotline (24 hours/day) 1-800-448-3000
Callers talk to highly-trained, professional counselors who listen and give "right now" answers. They're sympathetic people who have expertise dealing with these and other problems: depression; suicide; running away; parenting problems; relationship concerns; physical, sexual, and emotional abuse; chemical dependency; mental health; anger; aggressive behavior.Child-At-Risk Hotline at Judge Baker Children's Center (after hours) 1-800-792-5200
For reporting suspected child abuse or neglect in Massachusetts outside of business hours. National Child Abuse Hotline (24 hour support and referral line) 1-800-422-4453
Deals with issues of parental stress and abuse. Able to refer people to appropriate services.Parents Helping Parents 1-800-882-1250
Parental stress support groups. Parental Stress Line1-800-632-8188
24-hour hotline for parents.
Domestic Violence Rape and Sexual Abuse |
Elder Abuse Hotline 1-800-922-2275 |
National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233 |
Safelink 877-785-2020 MA Statewide Domestic Violence hotline support line for those experiencing violence within relationships. Can connect callers directly to shelters for in-take, if appropriate. |
Rape and Sexual Abuse |
Elder Abuse Hotline 1-800-922-2275 |
Addictions | |
Alcoholism Hotline 1-800-252-6465 |
Gambler's Anonymous 1-617-338-6020 24 hour support line. Can refer person to meetings throughout MA. |
MA Substance Abuse Hotline 1-800-327-5050 or 1-617-338-6020 24 hour support, information and referral line. Helps to determine need and provides phone numbers for appropriate resources. |
Statewide Substance Abuse Information Line 1-800-ALCOHOL or 1-800-COCAINE |
Basic Needs | |
United Way First Call For Help 1-800-231-4377 Phone counselors refer for all kinds of resources and have up-to-date information about funding. |
Project Bread 1-800-645-8333 Food stamp hotline. |
Women, Infants and Children (WIC) 1-800-WIC-1007 Nutritious foods, nutrition counseling for women & children under age five. |
Disabilities | |
Disabilities Information Hotline 1-800-692-0249 |
Disabled Persons Protection Commission 1-800-426-9009 |
Health | |
AIDS Action Hotline 1-800-255-2331 Free and anonymous answers and support for all HIV/AIDS questions and concerns. |
Children's Medical Security Plan 1-800-909-2677 Free or low-cost health care age 18 or under for those ineligible for MassHealth. |
Health Helpline (Health Care for All) 1-800-272-4232 If you have questions or problems getting health care, call Health Care for All's Free Helpline. The Helpline answers people's questions about the health care system and provides information and makes referrals to appropriate resources. The Helpline is an independent consumer resource that is free and available to anyone. Para recibir información en español, llame al 1-617-350-6207 |
Mental Health | |
AIDS Action Hotline 1-800-255-2331 Free and anonymous answers and support for all HIV/AIDS questions and concerns. |
Children's Medical Security Plan 1-800-909-2677 Free or low-cost health care age 18 or under for those ineligible for MassHealth. |
Suicide Prevention | |
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (Also MA Alliance) 1-800-370-9085 Grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families and friends of people with mental illness. They are dedicated to supporting and advocating for the needs of people affected by mental illness. Will also provide information and referrals. |
National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (Also MA Alliance) 1- 800-370-9085 Grassroots, self-help, support and advocacy organization of consumers, families and friends of people with mental illness. They are dedicated to supporting and advocating for the needs of people affected by mental illness. Will also provide information and referrals. |
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