Parenting Resources
Parenting/Child Development/Discipline
- About Our Kids: Award winning early childhood/parenting website. Lots of clear information on child development and children’s mental health.
- Brain Connection: An extensive library of articles provides information on the human brain, including infant brain development and brain development across the lifespan. Early brain development in children, how the brain functions, and language and the brain are covered. Offers online courses, brain basics and facts, book reviews, conference updates, and brain teasers as additional sources of information on the human brain.
- American Academy of Pediatrics: Nice parenting section.
- Bright Futures: A comprehensive site of Georgetown University whose mission is to promote the health and well being of children. Many parenting and professional resources.
- Consumer Product Safety Commission: Product recall and safety information.
- I Am Your Child Campaign:.
- Kids Health: An award-winning site providing doctor-approved health information about children from before birth through adolescence.
- National Fatherhood Initiative:
- National Safe Kids Campaign: All kinds of information to help you keep your kids safe.
- Parents Anonymous: Support for parents.
- Parents Supporting Parents Virtual Grout meetings: List of all Parent Support Group Meetings; BIPOC Parent Support Group Meetings Please consider joining these virtual parent meetings to share concerns, strategies and ideas to help your family during this stressful time. Monday sessions are primarily for issues facing BIPOC (black, indigenous and people of color) parents. As parents we often place our own needs behind those of our children. Please consider taking advantage of an hour for yourself that will let you know you are not alone, connect with other parents and hopefully lift your spirits.
- Stepfamily Association of America: Site dedicated to successful stepfamily living. Read current research and learn about the myths of living in a stepfamily.
- Talaris Research Institute: Research-based information on infant brain development and early brain development in children, mainly ages birth to five years old. Information is geared toward parents and educators and includes topics such as empathy, early emotions and early memory development.
- Talk About Sleep: The "Children and Sleep" section of this site presents a substantial amount of information on various topics associated with sleep disorders. Topics include sleep deprivation and children and bedtime problems in children. The site is mainly geared toward parents and professionals.
- Tufts Child Development Web Site: Excellent guide—links to highly rated parenting websites.
- Your Child: A Guide to Development:
- Zero to Three: Child development and parenting during the first three years of life. New brain development section.
- Assessment
- Curriculum & Instruction
- District and School Report Cards
- Elementary Library (opens in new window)
- Norwood Schools Fine Arts
- First Place for Families
- Professional Learning
- Summer Learning Plans
- Teacher Resources
- Title I
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