UPDATED ON 2-18-2020
How to Register
Please note that we only offer mail-in registration because we must have completed medical forms before we can register your child. Unfortunately, you can't register a child online for this program.
To receive the registration form and 2 required medical forms, please email Dr.Crowley at mcrowley@norwood.k12.ma.us and he will send you those 3 forms as an email attachment. You can then mail those 3 forms back using the address on the forms, or drop them at the Main Office of Norwood High School, 245 Nichols Street, Monday--Friday (excluding February Vacation Week) from 8am to 2pm.
In order to use our mail-in registration process, your completed registration and medical forms, along with a check made out to Norwood Public Schools must be received by us as soon as possible. The address to mail your completed forms and check to can be found at the bottom of our registration form.
Full payment is required at the time of registration, and please note that we can only accept personal checks, or money orders made out to Norwood Public Schools.
The Norwood Summer Academy Program is tuition driven, and all courses are offered subject to adequate funding and enrollment, so please be sure to register early!
Please note that our Summer Academy Enrichment offerings will run for a total of 24 days: Monday through Thursday, from Monday July 6th through Thursday August 13th at noon. No Summer School on Fridays. Please check the schedule for each respective course since the course lengths and start/end times will vary.
Please be sure to register early.
Please call Dr. Crowley at 781-440-5929, if any questions.
The complete list of courses we will offer this summer is available by clicking on the Comprehensive Course Schedule link to the left.
If you don’t have access to a computer, please call Dr. Crowley at 781-440-5929, and he will get the registration forms to you.
Thank you.
- Assessment
- Curriculum & Instruction
- District and School Report Cards
- Elementary Library (opens in new window)
- Norwood Schools Fine Arts
- First Place for Families
- Professional Learning
- Summer Learning Plans
- Teacher Resources
- Title I
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