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Educator Evaluation Resources

Welcome to the Norwood Public Schools educator evaluation help page.  The system for educator evaluation is a collaborative process between the educators and administrators to promote student learning, growth and achievement for all of our students by providing each educator with feedback for improvement, opportunities for professional development and clear structures for accountability. On this page you will find documents, resources and video tutorials to help guide you through the new educator evaluation process.  

Norwood Public Schools use an online evaluation system called TeachPoint that contains all documents related to the educator evaluation process.  All of the forms that teachers and evaluators fill out are located in the TeachPoint system. To log into the system, you must be an educator in the Norwood Public Schools.  You can log in by clicking on the link below 

Teach Point

TeachPoint Teacher Evaluation System

Important reminders in using the TeachPoint forms: Do not sign any form until you have shared it with your evaluators and gotten their input and approval; then you can and should sign your form. Once a form is signed, it cannot be modified by anyone. Share first; get feedback, then sign.  Remember to click "save and done" button at top right before sharing.  In most cases, your "Primary Evaluator" is your principal, and your "Supervising Evaluator" is your department chair or director.

Some Key Dates:

Non-Professional Status Educators: Self-Assessment & Goals due Oct 15; Educator Plan due Nov. 15.

Professional Status Educators: Self-Assessment & Goals due Nov. 1; Educator Plan due Nov. 15.

As we all work on developing our Educator Plans in TeachPoint, these tips might be of help. Remember not to overdo evidence collection: we want everyone to take small, efficient steps to get started.

Suggested Tips & Strategies for Educators for Evidence Collection:

1.  Try to select strong evidence that demonstrates practice connected to multiple areas of the performance rubric. You will be able to tag the evidence in TeachPoint to certain performance standards.

2.  Evidence should include artifacts of the work you are already doing, not manufactured or created to meet requirements.

3.  Focus on going from “evidence to rubric,” not “rubric to evidence.” Rather than searching for a piece of evidence to demonstrate your practice on a particular area of the rubric, first select high quality pieces of evidence that are a good reflection of your performance, then identify the Standard(s), Indicator(s), and/or element(s) to which they connect.

4.  When developing your educator plan, make notes about what kinds of evidence will demonstrate progress toward your goals.

5.  Create a folder (electronic or paper) to collect your evidence throughout the year, so you do not need to sift through a full school year’s worth of work at the end of the year. You should try to use one Educator Collection of Evidence Form and attach multiple pieces of evidence (docs) to that form (vs. submitting many Educator Collection of Evidence Forms).

If you have any difficulties accessing TeachPoint, please contact Joe Kidd and send email

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