Transition from Early Intervention
A child receiving services through an Early Intervention (EI) agency may transition into the Norwood Public Schools (NPS) on his/her 3rd birthday, provided he/she qualifies for special education as determined through the following process.
1. The Early Intervention agency facilitates a release of records and a request for an evaluation to the Norwood Public Schools.
a. This can happen up to 6 months prior to the child’s 3rd birthday.
b. The Early Intervention agency will mail or email a packet to the Norwood Public Schools on behalf of the family which contains the request and relevant records on the child.
2. Within 5 days of receiving the packet at the NPS, the receipt of the referral will be sent to the Early Intervention provider.
3. The NPS Early Childhood Team Chair will connect with the Early Intervention Service Coordinator to establish or confirm a Transition Conference Planning Meeting time and an observation if appropriate.
a. At the Transition Conference Planning Meeting, the NPS Early Childhood Team Chair will provide the family with information on the preschool transition process, including but not limited to a program brochure, special education procedural safeguards for parents, and options if the child does not qualify for special education, including community resources for families with young children.
b. An EI service delivery or playgroup session will be observed by a NPS preschool staff member, usually the Early Childhood Team Chair.
c. The service delivery session observation and Transition Conference Planning Meeting may coincide.
4. As early as 3 months prior to a child’s 3rd birthday, a “consent to evaluate” packet will be mailed and emailed to the family from the NPS, seeking permission to evaluate in areas of need.
a. Potential areas of evaluation may include: Developmental/Educational, Speech and Language, Visual Fine Motor, Sensory/Motor Planning, and/or Gross Motor, and, if necessary, Psychological or Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA).
b. Parent input, as well as reports from Early Intervention, helps to determine which developmental areas to evaluate.
c. The parent must sign and return the consent form in order for the process to continue. No evaluation can occur without signed consent from the child’s parent or guardian.
5. The Early Childhood Team Chair will also provide in the packet the evaluation appointment and the Initial Team meeting dates and times. Evaluations and meetings take place at the Little Mustangs Preschool Academy located at the Savage Education Center.
6. The child is evaluated by the necessary specialist(s) within 30 school days of the receipt of the signed “consent to evaluate.”
7. An Initial Team meeting is scheduled and held at least a month before the child’s 3rd birthday.
a. Parents, NPS preschool staff and specialists, and Early Intervention specialists/service coordinators are invited to attend.
b. The meeting is held virtually or at the Little Mustangs Preschool Academy.
c. For late referrals, every effort is made to hold the meeting prior to the child’s 3rd birthday, but it must occur within 45 days of the signed consent.
8. Reports are available to parents two days prior to the team meeting date to allow time to review the results. Reports can be picked up at the Little Mustangs Preschool Academy.
9. Findings at the Initial Team meeting may include one of the following:
• No eligibility for special education services.
• Eligibility for special education services based on the determination of a disability.
• Eligibility for a specialized preschool program will be determined based on individual student needs.
- Director of Student Services: Lori Cimeno
- Principal/Early Childhood Team Chair: Kristen Noonan
- LMPA Administrative Assistant: Amy Carr
- LMPA Special Educators: Teresa Aiello, Kelli Bailey, Kim Beaudet, Kelly Duggan, Keri Fredericks, Lauren Grealish, Kim McAuley, Meghan Rodriguez & Laura Tolman
- LMPA Occupational Therapist: Lauren Barney
- WECC & LMAP Physical Therapist: Seanna Stoddard
- LMPA School Nurse: Kelley Burke
- Speech and Language Therapists: Michelle McCarthy, Kathryn Bedard
- School Psychologist: TBD
All Preschool Staff can be reached at 781-440-5802 x3600.
To reach staff by email: first initial last
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