275 Prospect Street, PO Box 67, Norwood, MA 02062
781.762.6804 Phone | 781.762.0229 Fax

Norwood Public Schools Kindergarten Program


Welcome Class of 2038 to the Norwood Public Schools Kindergarten Program!

Hello Families,

Our school consists of 14 classes of only Kindergarten students. Each classroom has a teacher and an instructional aide. We believe that our schools are stronger when there is a partnership between our educators, staff, and our families. Please know that we are here to support you through the registration process, through your student's year at the Willett School, and into 2038 when they graduate from high school.

Please follow the instructions below that will guide you through the registration process, to the screening process in early May, and leading up to the kindergarten parent and student orientation events in September of 2025. 

 Please note that starting in the fall of 2022, the hours of the kindergarten student day at the Willett School will officially be from 8:10 am to 1:40 pm. Please click here for information that shares information for the start time for all of our Norwood Schools. 

Mr. Timothy Luff, Superintendent of Schools, is pleased to announce that the Norwood Public Schools Kindergarten Registration is open. Kindergarten registration will be ONLINE through the Norwood Public Schools pageView the translated forms.

Registration is open for enrollment. It is very important that parents/guardians register their child at this time and that every field is filled out as completely as possible.

  • On the main page, go to Our Schools
  • Choose the Willett ECC
  • Choose Kindergarten on the left side tab
  • Click on the Instructions for Online Registration which will bring you to the Registration Process. Please begin by watching both videos which include step by step instructions to upload your documents. 

Your child must turn five (5) on or before August 31, 2025 in order to be eligible for kindergarten in September 2025.

Next you need to upload the following documents.

  • A copy of the child’s Birth certificate or original passport or visa
  • Proof of residency: must include a copy of your mortgage statement or lease/rental agreement. (Handwritten documents from a landlord or a completed affidavit must be filled out and notarized) and a bill with the same name and Norwood address as the mortgage/lease/rental copy.
  • Parent/Guardian valid photo Identification (copy of driver’s license/state IDor passport)
  • Copy of your child’s physical exam between September 2024-September 2025. (A physical is valid for one year from the date it was done, it must be updated before the start of school). Your child’s immunization record and a lead test need to be included.
  • Registration Support: If you are unable to upload your documents or need registration assistance, please contact our Central Registrar Sherry Sullivan by email at ssullivan@norwood.k12.ma.us or call 781.487.1351.

Screening: This year’s screening dates are: 

  • Thursday, May 8th and Friday, May 9th
  • Screening takes approximately 30-45 minutes
  • Screening Scheduling and/or Support: If you have already completed your child’s registration and have questions, please contact the Willett School secretary Jennifer Moorhouse by email at jmoorhouse@norwood.k12.ma.us or call 781.440.5902 for more information.

What is Kindergarten Screening?

In accordance with Massachusetts Special Education Law (603, CMR 28), all students entering kindergarten must be screened to assist in identifying any issues that may require special education services. Students registering for school in August will be screening during school hours in September.

An educator will work with your child during the screening. Areas on the screening instrument include visual motor, language, and cognition, speech development, and fine and gross motor development. 

Results of the kindergarten screening are sent home approximately one month after your child has been screened. If there are concerns after the screening process is completed, staff may re-screen your child once school starts in the fall, or the staff may refer your child for a special education evaluation.

Please call the school with any questions.

(781) 440-5902

Kindergarten bus

Kindergarten Bus Information

  • Kindergarten students ride the school bus without charge. Color-coded bus tags will be given out to students on Orientation Day in September. Please make sure to attach this tag to your child's back pack, regardless of whether he or she rides the bus.
  • Students residing in a bus district may take the school bus from the neighborhood to the elementary school in your district. Willett aides will meet that bus when it arrives at the elementary school. They will assist the students onto the kindergarten bus and travel to the school with the children.
  • Students who do not live in a bus district may board the bus at the elementary school which serves your neighborhood.
  • Parents may prefer to drive students directly to the Willett. Student drop-off is behind the building at Door 4 beginning at 7:55 am.   

Neighborhood Schools Arrival and Dismissal Procedures for Willett Students

Supervision begins at 7:35. Buses will leave the school at 7:50. Parents will be responsible for transporting late arriving students to the Willett.

Balch School

Morning Arrival
All kindergarten students will meet in the gym beginning at 7:35am. Please enter the school through the side entrance by cafeteria.

Afternoon Dismissal
During afternoon dismissal, vehicle pick-ups and walkers will be dismissed directly from the bus in the bus circle. Bus students will wait in the school until their bus is called. 

Cleveland School

Morning Arrival
Children should be walked to the gymnasium no earlier than 7:35 and no later than 7:45. Bus students will exit their bus and will be directed to a designated area of the gym.

Afternoon Dismissal
Kindergarten students will be dismissed from the buses. Please wait for the instructional aide to dismiss your student.

Oldham School

Morning Arrival
Bus students will exit their bus and will be directed to a designated area of the library. Walkers or car riders will be directed to a designated area of the library.

Afternoon Dismissal
All students will exit the bus and will be directed to designated spot to wait for parents or the neighborhood bus.

Callahan School

Morning Arrival
Kindergarten students will meet our aides on the front sidewalk, to the right of the main school door. School buses will pick up and drop off students in the lot to the right of the building. In inclement weather, all kindergarten students will enter the gym and sit in front of the stage.

Afternoon Dismissal
Our aides will dismiss walkers to their parent from the bus lot. Please do not leave with your child until notifying our aides. Bus district students will be placed directly on their bus for the ride home.

Prescott School

Morning Arrival
All students meet our instructional aides in front of the building. During inclement weather, students meet our aides in the auditorium and wait on the steps of the stage.

Afternoon Dismissal
Students are dismissed from the bus at the front of the school to parents or caregivers. Students who change to the neighborhood bus are led into the auditorium until the next bus arrives.

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