Norwood Public Schools Suicide Prevention and Intervention Resources
In 2016 the Norwood Public Schools established a community-wide committee to develop a Suicide Prevention and Intervention Plan. As part of that process, the district also updated our grade 6-12 Health and Wellness curriculum that is designed to inform and help protect our students from all forms of harmful behaviors, including suicide. In addition, each year we train our educators on suicide prevention and intervention which includes recognizing suicide risk factors and warning signs, and protocols for reporting concerns.
See some of our Suicide Prevention and Intervention Resources for Parents and Students below:
- Suicide Prevention and Intervention Resources for Students, Families, and Schools
- Preventing Youth Suicide: Tips for Parents & Educators
- Suicide Brief Facts and Tips
- MindingYourMind: Mental Health Basics and Symptom Checker for Parents
Resources for parents to use to talk to their children about the TV series called “13 Reasons Why”:
- 13 Reasons Why: Talking Points
- 13 Reasons Why: Parents Pay Attention
- 13 Reasons Why: Resources from Minding Your Mind
Mental Health Resource: Minds Matter
- Mission Statement, Vision, and Portrait of a Graduate
- Core Values
- Message from the Superintendent
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- Suicide Prevention and Intervention Resources
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- Wellness
- What's Happening in Norwood Schools (opens in new window)
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