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Important Information About the Massachusetts School-Based Medicaid Program

Important Information About the Massachusetts School-Based Medicaid Program

As of July 1, 2019 school districts may bill Mass Health for health care services that students receive at school. Included services are vision, hearing, dental, postural, growth and SBIRT screenings, behavioral and mental health counseling, speech and direct nursing care of students with complex medical needs. This billing in no way affects your child’s Mass Health coverage outside of school or any homecare services your child receives. The School-Based Medicaid Program offers schools an opportunity to receive federal money to offset the costs for providing the above Medicaid-covered services in the school setting. The reimbursement is to the Town of Norwood and therefore will benefit both the Town and school finances.

If your child has Mass Health insurance, please complete the following two consent forms and return to your school nurse so the Town of Norwood can recieve reimbursement for health care services students receive at school.  Click the link below for the  consent form:

Mass Health Parent Information Letter

Mass Health Parent Consent Form


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