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NPS Equity Audit - Final Report Released

NPS Equity Audit - Final Report Released


In 2021-2022 Norwood Public Schools engaged MassInsight Education & Research to conduct an equity audit of the district to understand current strengths and challenges relative to diversity, equity, and inclusion for all students, families, and staff. Throughout the 2021-2022 school year, MassInsight collected data, information, and perspectives from across the Norwood community through surveys, interviews, data analysis, and systems evaluations, and then presented its findings to the district.

Summary of Equity Audit Findings

The NPS equity audit surfaced four priority areas in which NPS has foundational strengths to capitalize on and in which there are challenges and opportunities to improve. Those four priority areas are to

  1. Establish systems, action plans, roles, and accountability structures based on a shared vision and understanding of equity,
  2. Ensure access to rigorous instruction with equitable supports, especially for students receiving special education services and English learners,
  3. Cultivate affirming and inclusive learning environments led by a diverse staff that is representative of the student body, and 
  4. Foster a culture of affirmation, inclusion, belonging, and partnership across the NPS community.

Next Steps: The Superintendent, administrators, and school committee will identify equity goals and action steps to include in the updated District Strategic Plan.

For detailed information, you can access the entire equity audit report at this link.

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