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Why Read to Your Child???

The Most Important Thing You Can Do..


Read aloud to your child.

Keep reading to your children…even if they are in the fifth grade! Reading aloud will let your child see that reading is enjoyable. By reading aloud, you help your child imagine, expand their vocabulary, acquire new learning and strengthen their comprehension.

Let your child see you read.

If your child sees you read, you are demonstrating that reading is important. Read newspapers, books, magazines, directions, instructions, labels, strategy guides, signs, menus, sports statistics, information on the web…all and any types of text! Keep books around.

Talk about what you have read.

Share an interesting fact, an observation, a noticing, a question, something that made you laugh, or a connection you made. You are showing your child that readers have conversations about what they read. You are providing an opportunity for them to engage in a discussion. You are also demonstrating the connection between reading and thinking.

Encourage your child to read.

Think about what your child is interested in and enjoys. Select books your child wants to read. Make books readily available. Introduce your child to the local library. Talk to your child about what they are reading. Listen to audiobooks in the car and at home.

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