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Coakley Middle School News

Please click on the link for information regarding remote learning at the Coakley Middle School

Come join us for Coakley Middle School Wellness Family Night on Tuesday May 8 from 6-8 PM. This night will include movement activities, education about vaping/juling/e-cigarettes, and teen nutrition. Click headline for flyer.

Students in Grades 8 & 10 will be participating in a Boston Children's Hospital study to evaluate the SBIRT screening process. Click the headline for a letter explaining the study, and instructions for parents to opt-out of the study if they wish.

The CMS PTO is hosting an ice cream social for incoming 6th graders and new students on August 30th from 6:30-8:00PM in the cafeteria. Parents of new, incoming students will receive an invitation from the Coakley Middle School. Student mentors will be on hand to give tours of the school.

Office Closed

July 20, 2017

The Coakley Middle School Office will be CLOSED July 24th-July 28th for emergencies please e-mail Dr. Margo Fraczek at:mfraczek@norwood.k12.ma.us Dr. Crowley will be in the office for any Summer School business Monday-Thursday 8AM-12PM

New Student Registration

July 17, 2017

Beginning the week of July 31st registration for new Coakley Middle School students will take place Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 8-10am. You may call to set up an appointment or come to the main office at the Coakley Middle School between those hours. Please see registration requirements under the Family Resources top tab Registration/Enrollment.

Come meet the new Coakley principal, Dr. Margo Fraczek for coffee on September 28th from 5:00-5:45 PM. A continuing series where parents can come and ask questions, discuss concerns, and get to know the principal. This will conclude prior to the start of the Open House at CMS

Summer Reading

June 27, 2017

6th Grade Summer Reading   7th Grade Summer Reading   8th Grade Sum...

School Supply Lists

June 15, 2017

Grade 6   Grade 7   Grade 8

The Norwood High School Athletic Department will be hosting a fall sports information night for students, parents and coaches on Monday 6/12 at 7pm in the auditorium at NHS. The event will include an introduction to NHS athletics for incoming 9th grade students and their parents. All students that are interested in a fall sport are encouraged to attend with a parent.

Take this opportunity to purchase your summer reading books at a 20% discount offered through Barnes and Noble of Walpole. Click the headline for more details.

Chateau Fundraiser

May 9, 2017

Start the long weekend early at The Chateau fundraiser for the Coakley Middle School. Click the headline for more details.

Please join us for the Coakley Cahllenge at Orange Leaf. May 9th Grade 6 / May 10th Grade 7 / May 11th Grade 8

5th Grade Parent Night

March 1, 2017

Please join us on March 29th for an informational meeting for all 5th grade parents. Please click the headline for more details.

Read Across America Week

February 14, 2017

February 27-March 3 Celebrating reading and Dr. Seuss! CLick on the headline and check out the flyer for the theme of the day!

The Student/Staff Book Club will be meeting in the Coakley library on January 19, 2017 for a discussion about the book, "Chasing Lincoln's Killer". Click the headline for details.

Wellness Curriculum Letters

November 4, 2016

6th Grade Wellness Curriculum Letter   7th Grade Wellness Curriculum Letter ...

Book Fair

November 4, 2016

Come to the Coakley Middle School Library to choose from hundreds of new and popular titles—including the latest Wimpy Kid book! Thursday November 3 10am-Thursday November 10 2:15pm

Coakley Bowl

October 14, 2016

On Wednesday, October 22nd the CMS PTO will sponsor a bowling event for parents/teachers to help raise money to benefit the Coakley Middle School. Please click the headline for more detailed information.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

October 11, 2016

Parent/Teacher Conferences at CMS are optional, but are made available to any parent wishing to meet with their child’s teachers. Please click the headline for more details.

PTO Fundraiser at the Chateau

September 28, 2016

Enjoy lunch, dinner, or takeout at the Chateau and help the Coakley Middle School PTO raise money to help support student activities. Click the headline for more information.


September 16, 2016

The Coakley Middle School Open House is scheduled for Thursday, September 29, 2016. The evening will begin at 6:15 in the auditorium with a brief presentation by the principal.

Dental Clinic

September 16, 2016

Please click the headline for more information on the Dental Clinic

Ice Cream Social

August 11, 2016

On Tuesday, August 30, 2016 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. the PTO will be sponsoring an ice cream social for incoming 6th graders and new students in the CMS Cafeteria. Student Mentors will be available to give tours and parents will have an opportunity to meet the members of our CMS Administrative Team.

Team Placements

August 1, 2016

Letters regarding team placement will be sent home on August 24th. Any information found on IParent has not been finalized.

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