About the District News
Click on the headline to read the letter.
The Norwood School Committee has begun looking at the school calendar for next year. Two options are being considered. Please click on the headline to take a look at the proposed calendars and provide feedback to the School Committee.
The Norwood School Committee voted unanimously, on February 7th, to offer Mr. Timothy Luff the role of Norwood’s next Superintendent of Schools. Mr. Luff accepted and the School Committee has entered into contract negotiations for a July 1st start date.
Click the headline to view the presentation.
Click the headline to view the presentation.
Click the headline for the recording. Recording is available for 30 days. Password is: SCS 2024
Please click on the headline for more information about the three finalists for the position of Superintendent of the Norwood Public Schools.
Click the headline to read the letter to the community about the Emergency Shelter.
Click the Headline for Frequently Asked Questions about the Emergency Shelter.
Click the headline for the presentation.
Click the headline to view the presentation.
McLean Hospital Caregiver Workshops: Norwood High School is excited to partner with McLean Hospital again this year as part of the School Consultation Service program. As part of our partnership, McLean staff will facilitate four workshops intended to support parents and guardians. A recording of the most recent workshop is posted here for 30 days. Topic: Building a Resilient Child Click the headline for the link Password: McLean2023
The federal Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) has opened another opportunity for households to receive four free COVID test kits ahead of the holidays. If interested click the headline to order your FREE tests.
Please click on the headline for an update on the search for a new Superintendent for the Norwood Public Schools. The update includes the names of the members of the search committee as well as an updated timeline.
Please click on the headline for information about participating in a focus group and completing a survey around the seach for the Superintendent of the Norwood Public Schools.
The Norwood Public Schools Superintendent Search Committee invites the community to participate in a survey that will help inform our search process. Please click on the headline to to complete the survey and share your input. Once the survey is submitted it cannot be edited. It is our goal to gather input from staff, families, and residents as we go through the work of selecting Norwood Public School’s next superintendent. Thank you in advance for your time and contribution.
Click the headline to go to the page with the full report and the superintendent's presentation.
Click the headline to open the FY25 Budget TImeline
Click Headline for 2023-2024 Health Information
Click on the headline to watch Superintendent Dr. David Thomson's back to school livestream for information about the start of the 2023-2024 school year.
Click on the headline for the 2023-2024 School Bus Routes
The following names were the top three suggestions received by the School Committee for...
Click the headline to get to the NPS P-EBT website with all of the information about the P-EBT program for the 2022-2023 School Year.
The Norwood School Committee is looking for public input of possible names for the New Norwood Middle School. If you would like to submit a name idea, please click on the headline to fill out the form.
Click on the headline to read the press release.
- Mission Statement, Vision, and Portrait of a Graduate
- Core Values
- Message from the Superintendent
- Administration
- Bullying Information
- Contact
- District Calendar
- District Staff and Committee Meeting Calendar
- District MCAS Assessment
- Equity Audit
- School Nutrition
- Health Services
- Aspen Family Portal Information
- News
- Norwood Schools Fine Arts
- School Improvement Plans
- School Safety and Security
- School Start Time Implementation
- Strategic Plan
- Student Handbooks
- Student Registration
- Suicide Prevention and Intervention Resources
- Technology
- Transportation Services
- Wellness
- What's Happening in Norwood Schools (opens in new window)
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