275 Prospect Street, PO Box 67, Norwood, MA 02062
781.762.6804 Phone | 781.762.0229 Fax

School Health Services & Screenings

There is a registered nurse in each of the Norwood Public Schools, there is an additional registered nurse at the Coakley Middle School and Norwood High School. District Interim Nurse Leader is Tova Sperber, MSN, BSN, RN. She may be reached by calling 781-440-5843 or by email at tsperber@norwood.k12.ma.us.

School physician Dr. Jeremy Slosberg oversees the school health services programs and consults with the school nurses as needed. Dr. Slosberg is a pediatrician at Dedham Medical Norwood located at 1177 Providence Highway, Norwood. He is currently accepting new patients, appointments may be made by calling 781-278-5590.

On a daily basis the school nurses:

  1. Insure that the Norwood Public Schools are in compliance with Massachusetts General Laws mandating that student's immunizations are up to date; and that students have physical examinations in grades 1, 4, 7, 10 and before participating in any high school athletic programs. 
  2. Provide skilled nursing care, health assessment, management and counselling for chronic, acute and emergency health concerns of students, families and staff. 
  3. Administer and monitor responses to physician ordered medications that must be given to students during the school day.
  4. Act as a resource for health education, information and referrals for staff, parents and students.

Health Screenings

  1. All students in grades preK-5, 7 & 10 are screened annually for vision and hearing problems. Parents/guardians whose children do not pass the vision or hearing screenings will be notified by the nurse, and advised that their child receive an examination by an eye specialist as soon as possible. For families without an eyecare provider, the district has partnered with Dr. Graham Stetson, OD, MS. He is located at Modern Eyes 696 Washington Street. Appointments may be made by calling 781-352-4849. If you do not have health insurance, or if your insurance does not cover vision exams, there are other resources that can provide help.  Please contact your school nurse for more information.
  2. Students in grades 5-9 are screened annually for the purpose of early identification of postural problems. This is a State mandated screening. Parents/guardians and students will be notified of the screening dates. Parents/guardians will be notified of any unusual findings and asked to have their child examined by a physician.
  3. Students in grades 1, 4, 7 and 10 are weighed and measured. This is a State mandated screening. A report of the students' BMI and calculated percentile is reported as aggregate, not individual, data to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. Parents/guardians will be notified of the screening dates. Results are not sent home but parents/guardians may contact the school nurse for the results of their child's screening.
  4. Dental screening for students in grades 1 through 6. The Norwood Smiles program will resume in the fall of 2023. Norwood Smiles is a partnership between the school district, the Norwood Public Health Department and Victor Nyakundi, DMD. Dr. Nyakundi is the dental director of Affinity Dental located at 45 Walpole Street, Suite #4.

Parents/legal guardians who do not wish their child to participate in some or all screenings at school must notify the school nurse of this request in writing. In the case of state mandated screenings (vision, hearing, postural and BMI) a report documenting a physician’s examination must be provided.

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