1991-2011 - Major events
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Biography Resource Center *
Biography in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on the world's most influential people. The new solution merges Gale's authoritative reference content (including Lives & Perspectives) with periodicals and multimedia organized into a user-friendly portal experience while also allowing users to search for people based on name, occupation, nationality, ethnicity, birth/death dates and places, or gender as well as keyword and full text.
General Reference Center Gold*
Use this general interest database to search magazines, reference books, and newspapers for information on current events, popular culture, the arts and sciences, sports, etc.
Great Events in History
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New York Times (1985 to current)*
This database includes the New York Times from January 1, 1985 to the present, including the New York Times Magazine and the New York Times Book Review.
U.S. History in Context*
U.S. History in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in U.S. History. The new solution merges Gale's authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
World Book online
World Book Online is your online route to reliable, authoritative, easy-to-understand information and an array of supplementary search tools and information sources. World Book Online can fulfill many research needs. You may need the answer to a particular question. Or you may want general information to help with a school assignment. And, of course, many people simply like to explore World Book, letting one topic lead them to another. Available in Spanish.
World History in Context*
World History in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in World History. The new solution merges Gale's authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
*Brought to you by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and Massachusetts Library System with state funds and federal Institute of Museum and Library Services funds.
Investigate the two Persian Gulf Wars between the United States and Iraq. Thirty-two nations joined in a coalition against Iraq in 1991, an armed conflict designed to remove Iraqi forces from occupied Kuwait. Trade embargos limited supplies to Iraq, while the United Nations sent troops to Kuwait in Operation Desert Storm. When the coalition destroyed Iraqi infrastructure, Iraq lashed out at Israel and Saudi Arabia. Although Kuwait was freed, Saddam Hussein remained in power, necessitating a second Persian Gulf War in 2003 as a pre-emptive strike to prevent further terrorism.
Topic: Iraq War, 2003, Persian Gulf War, 1991 http://www.factmonster.com
After the September 11 attacks, the United States demanded that the Taliban turn over Osama bin Laden and
the al-Qaeda leadership. Bombing directed against the Taliban began in Afghanistan the following month. Follow
a timeline of the events of the War in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2008. Many al-Qaeda were killed but bin Laden
was not found. War drove Afghan refugees from their homes as an interim government tried to maintain power. Opium production soared even as Afghanistan held democratic elections and approved a new constitution. Yet, Taliban violence increased.
Topic: Afghan War, 2001- http://www.pbs.org
Backgrounder on Afghanistan: History of the War
War and militant activity has marked the history of Afghanistan for many years. Learn about the U.S. led military intervention in Afghanistan which marks the fourth phase in the country's twenty-three-year-old civil war. In every phase foreign powers have intensified the conflict by supporting one side against another. These other three phases are discussed; the Saur revolution and Soviet occupation, from the Geneva Accords to the Mujahidin's Civil War, and the Taliban's conquest of Afghanistan.
Topic: Afghanistan--History, Taliban http://www.hrw.org
In 2001, Americans went to war in Afghanistan to destroy Al-Qaida. This was the original mission. Al-Qaida was
in charge of the Taliban and we believed Osama bin Laden was being hidden there. Find out where experts think
he is now. Investigate why American troops are still in Afghanistan and what we hope to accomplish there. Where does the American war effort in Afghanistan stand today? Explore the importance of nation-building and democracy in Afghanistan. Today, only some Taliban have direct links to Al-Qaida, others are disillusioned Afghans or drug dealers. Analyze the importance of the election in August.
Topic: Afghan War, 2001- http://www.npr.org
A month-by-month history of the war in Iraq is the focus of this Time Magazine special report. For 48 months, there are images, milestones and sound bites that tell the story of the war that began in 2003. The history begins with
the bombing and fall of Baghdad and continues through the capture of Saddam Hussein, the deaths of thousands
of Iraqis and Americans, Iraq's first democratic election and more. A graphic compares the death toll in Iraq to the decline in President Bush's approval rating. Included are essays and podcasts about the war by Time correspondents.
Topic: Iraq, Iraq War, 2003 http://www.time.com
This site, sponsored by CNN contains a special report on the war in Iraq. The initial box and link contains a daily look
at the war after President Bush declared it over on May 1, 2003. There are eight other sections containing links to: Latest Headlines, Weapons, Latest Video, U.S. & Coalition Forces, On the Scene, Iraqi Forces, Impact and Maps. This is an outstanding site for gathering research and information on the current War in Iraq.
Topic: Iraq War, 2003 http://www.cnn.com
In Iraq's Insurgency, No Rules, Just Death
This article gives a clear analysis of the strength of the insurgency in Iraq and why they are so difficult to defeat. The
author, Ehsan Ahrari, explains the basic differences among the insurgent groups and poses the question, "How do you develop an effective strategy to fight those who follow no rules except their willingness to die for their cause?" Different priorities among the insurgent groups make it difficult for the U.S. to develop an effective strategy, and the insurgency's alarming growth constantly throws American forces off guard. The author also discusses the need for constructive talks
with Iran and Syria.
Topic: Insurgency, Iraq War, 2003 http://www.globalpolicy.org
Impeachment Documents Relating to a U.S. President
Article I, Sections 2 and 3, and Article II, Section 4, of the U.S. Constitution outline the impeachment process, but in two hundred years, Congress has exercised this power seventeen times. In 1797, Senator William Blount was the first government official the House of Representatives moved to impeach. Only three presidents have been the subject of impeachment proceedings: Andrew Johnson in 1868, Richard Nixon in 1974, and Bill Clinton in 1998-99. A virtual library of documents related to these three proceedings is collected at this site.
The impeachment and conviction of an American president is always a serious matter. President Bill Clinton was faced with an impeachment during his presidency. On December 19, 1998, president Clinton was charged with perjury and obstruction of justice during the Monica Lewinsky matter. On February 12, 1999, the United States Senate voted on the two articles of impeachment against President Clinton. On this site you can access all of the documents related to impeaching the president.
Topic: Clinton, Bill,--1946-, Political crimes and offenses, Presidents--United States--Impeachment
Hurricane Katrina: Complete Coverage
One of the costliest natural disasters in United States' history, Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast in 2005, destroying property and taking lives. Take a look at photo galleries and news stories related to Hurricane Katrina. Thousands of refugees evacuated as looters plundered and most of the city of New Orleans was submerged by floodwater. Thousands of animals were stranded as evacuation officials refused to allow pets. Stranded evacuees waited among the victims of the hurricane. Read about the floodwater contamination from sewage, bacteria, mold, and toxic chemicals. Hear the stories of Mississippi residents who refused to leave their homes.
Topic: Hurricane Katrina, 2005, Hurricanes, Natural disasters http://news.nationalgeographic.com
At this PBS Nova web site experts and eyewitnesses reconstruct the floods caused by Hurricane Katrina that devastated the city of New Orleans. Read an interview with a hurricane expert who predicted the storm. An interactive feature provides a look at the anatomy of Katrina including its birth, path, strength and landfall. Another interactive feature uses maps to show how the city flooded. Watch a slideshow about flood proofing cities and see how much your city would have been submerged.
Topic: Hurricane Katrina, 2005, New Orleans (La.) http://www.pbs.org
Bullet Scarred Columbine High School Opens its Doors
Before April of 1999, most parents felt that school was a safe place for their children. One day and two disturbed students changed all that. The story that rocked the nation more than any other up to that time period was the unprecedented massacre at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. This web site contains an article that
will let you peer inside Columbine High School and see what scars still remained in the building months later.
Topic: Massacres, United States--History--1989- http://www.cnn.com
2000: Bush and Gore Fight to the Finish
After a legal battle that took the election to the United States Supreme Court, George Bush was finally declared president more than a month after the 2000 elections. A few hundred votes separated the two presidential candidates as a problem with ballots in Florida led to a call for a recount. Find out what went wrong and why thousands of ballots were not counted after being improperly punched. Learn about the Supreme Court decision that ended the recount.
Topic: Bush, George W.--(George Walker),--1946---Trials, litigations, etc., Gore, Albert,--1948---Trials, litigation, etc.
The Election of 2000 created a clean canvas for many of America's political satirists. At the NPR (National Public Radio) site you will be able to listen to some of the humor that was exhibited. Rewind is NPR's own satire troupe is showcased on this site. Political cartoons are yet another means satirists express their views. Pulitzer Prize winning cartoonists, Mike Lukovich and Mike Peters are mentioned and you are able to listen to them and see a few of their cartoons. RealAudio Player is needed to listen to the commentary on this site.
Topic: Political satire, American http://www.npr.org
1994 Republican Rout Is Casting Shadow in 2010
Apr 11, 2010 ... The 1994 election has become the template both parties are looking to ...
It was the first midterm election for a new Democratic president, ...
New York Times
1994 Congressional Elections: An Analysis
These findings are from a report on the 1994 mid-term election by the Committee for the Study of the American Electorate (CSAE), a non-partisan, ...
The tsunami that occurred on December 26, 2004 was the worst tsunami ever recorded, in terms of lives lost. In the hopes that disasters like this can be avoided in the future, this site tries to understand the mechanism and impact of this tsunami. The information presented above is focused on geologic aspects of the disaster. You will find general information on how local tsunamis are generated by earthquakes as well as animations, virtual reality models of tsunamis, and summaries of past research studies.
Topic: Earthquakes, Seismology, Tsunamis http://walrus.wr.usgs.gov
The 2004 tsunami in the Indian Ocean was one of the worst natural disasters in recorded history. NOVA shows
how scientists have reconstructed the tsunami in order to be prepared for the next major one. An interactive map illustrates wave height, travel speed and depth, and more. Learn about tsunami warning systems, and read questions answered by a tsunami expert. Another interactive shows the ten most deadly tsunamis and predicts where the next might strike.
Topic: Tsunamis http://www.pbs.org
Space Shuttle Columbia and Her Crew
Aug 23, 2006 ... NASA FACT? Columbia was the first Space Shuttle that traveled to Earth orbit. + More NASA Facts. ... RELATED DOWNLOADS. The Columbia Accident Investigation Board released Volumes II-VI of its
report on October 28, 2003. ...
The space shuttle Challenger exploded in a ball of fire shortly after it left the launching pad today, and all seven astronauts on board were lost.
Famous Trials: Oklahoma City Bombing Trial (Timothy McVeigh Trial) 1997
Examine the events surrounding the Oklahoma City Bombing and the Timothy McVeigh Trial that took place in 1997. You can browse a timeline that begins when McVeigh was born and concludes in 2006, view maps related
to the bombing, page through photographs from before and during the trial, and learn about McVeigh's time spend
in Waco. You will also find documents related to the arrest of McVeigh, biographies of the three conspirators, and indictment, trial, and sentencing transcripts. You can also view a copy of the final statement of McVeigh as well.
Topic: McVeigh, Timothy, Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1995
This article tells the story of the Oklahoma City bombing and the coconspirators who were convicted for this crime. It explains how Timothy McVeigh carried out this act of terror, provides background information on McVeigh and Terry Nichols, and details the cases and convictions. A discussion on the views these men held includes a comparison to the Patriot movement and making connections to the date of the bombing and a significant date for the militia.
Topic: McVeigh, Timothy, Nichols, Terry,--1955-, Oklahoma City Federal Building Bombing, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1995 http://www.history.com
The Trial of Orenthal James Simpson
Where were you in 1994, when the "Crime of the Century" was committed? When O. J. Simpson's ex wife and her friend were found murdered in his Brentwood home, America went into an uproar. Could this beloved football hero have murdered two people in cold blood? This web site offers an in depth look at the trial, including the day of the murder, the police investigation, and more. After you read these articles, you can decide for yourself whether O.J. was guilty or not.
Topic: United States--History--1989- http://www.law.umkc.edu
In 1994, the "Crime of the Century" was committed when O. J. Simpson's ex wife and her friend were found murdered in his Brentwood home. Could this beloved football hero have murdered two people in cold blood? There are few things that make Americans as proud as their athletes, but could the American people believe in one of their own after seeing the evidence in the case? This web site offers an in depth look at the trial, the victims, and more. After you read these articles, you can decide for yourself whether O.J. was guilty or not.
Topic: United States--History--1989- http://www.cnn.com
Waco - The Inside Story - Frontline
An investigation into the siege at Waco Texas and the FBI's strategy, negotiations and tactics.
Watch ads from the 2008 Presidential campaign. Investigate the role of the media in creating a political image. Explore how political advertising manipulates voters. Discover how campaign advertisements present issue positions in multimedia format. Clever lines convey messages about lying, betrayal, and change. Key issues focus on the economy, taxes, and health care. In addition to ads sponsored by McCain and Obama for the general election, you can also look at advertisement run by Clinton, Edwards, Paul, and Huckabee in the primaries.
Topic: Advertising, Political, Electoral college, Presidents--United States--Election http://pcl.stanford.edu
Obama's Viral Marketing Campaign
For the first time in history, the Internet played a key role in the United States' presidential election. Barack Obama's campaign was supported by lots of buzz and chatter, as well as an extremely broad fund-raising support base. Obama found creative ways to tap into the power of social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace and to leverage the power of small donors. This campaign recruited unusual bundlers to help with fundraising and host Web sites. Evaluate how other candidates tapped into the power of text messaging or YouTube.
Topic: Viral marketing http://www.time.com
The September 11 Digital Archive
Digital Archive and the Library of Congress present photographs and text concerning the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center tragedy. The worst act of terrorism on U.S. soil, a result of aircraft hijacking, is memorialized at this site. Links are provided to personal stories, still images, moving images, audio, and documents related to the tragedy. A link to other related web sites is provided. An American Red Cross Museum link is provided to transport the reader to stories of Red Cross workers. The author provides a link to 9/11 frequently asked questions.
Topic: September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001 http://911digitalarchive.org
September 11, 2001 is a date that will be remembered as the day America was attacked by terrorists. Two separate planes struck the World Trade Center in New York City, leading to the collapse of both buildings. Two additional planes were hijacked, one hitting the Pentagon and another that crashed into an open field in Pennsylvania. Here you can learn about the details of the attacks through articles, illustration, maps, interviews, and live videos. This site is dedicated to the 9/11 tragedy that shocked America and the rest of the world.
Topic: September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001, World Trade Center (New York, N.Y.) http://news.bbc.co.uk
The innovative web site BBC Dimensions offers you a unique perspective on history. To begin, simply click on an historic event that interests you. Then type in a location, such as your zip code or the name of a place, such as a city and state. Dimensions will draw an "object" the size of the event or historic place you chose and overlay the object on a satellite map of the location you typed in. For example, you could see how large the Twin Towers' footprints would have been if they had been built in your town.
Topic: September 11 Terrorist Attacks, 2001, Terrorism--United States http://howbigreally.com
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