Battles of the U.S. Civil War
Defining Moments in U. S. History: The Battle of Gettysburg
Gale Databases Check out: U.S. History Collection *, U.S. History in Context *
Salem History: Great Events from History: The Nineteenth Century: U.S. Civil War
The Nineteenth Century
Includes Key Figures, Battles, Primary Documents. Well organized and clearly written. Excellent.
Weapons and Warfare: The American Civil War
"Despite the North’s manpower and material advantages, the initial military achievements in the Civil War were primarily Southern. The Confederates won several early battles, helped by their excellent generals and the introduction of new weapons."
Excellent information highlighting specifics of weapons employed.
World Book Advanced: Battles of American Civil War
Six screens of Battle information including pictures, maps, primary source material, etc.
* Brought to you by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and Massachusetts Library System with state funds and federal Institute of Museum and Library Services funds.
American Battlefield Protection Program: Battle Summary: Gettysburg
Search by state or by battle.
Interactive Timeline
An excellent timeline linking to clearly written information about battles, generals, and more. From the Civil War Trust: Saving America's Civil War Battlefields
National Military Parks:
There are seventy+ National Civil War Parks
Examples of coverage:
Gettysburg. "The Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point in the Civil War, the Union victory that ended General Robert E. Lee's second and most ambitious invasion of the North."
Shiloh. "Before Henry Morton Stanley discovered Dr. David Livingstone in Africa ("Dr. Livingstone, I presume"), he was a Confederate infantryman at the Battle of Shiloh."
Vicksburg. "Vicksburg National Cemetery is the largest internment of Civil War dead in the nation. It is the burial place for nearly 17,000 Union soldiers."
The Price of Freedom: Civil War
Outstanding site. Includes primary sources.
Smithsonian National Museum of American History
Timeline: Significant Civil War Battles
Casualty statistics for both the Union and Confederate Armies. Also photographs.
U.S. Army Center of Military History
In depth coverage of the many battles of the Civil War. Use the search button and key in
your topic.
Destiny Catalog Websites
Braxton Bragg
A timeline of events for Braxton Bragg's life is presented on this Web page. You will be able to learn about the dates and locations of all of the important historical events where this man had an impact on American history. Begin with the Mexican American War and the Battle of Buena Vista of 1847. Read about many other famous military leaders who interacted with Braxton Bragg during battles of the Civil War. Following the timeline is a short article that discusses Braxton Bragg's personal reputation as a military leader.
- Topic: Bragg, Braxton,--1817-1876
- Language: English
- Lexile: BR
- URL:
This is just one entry in a site that has numerous links.
Confederate States Navy (in North Carolina)
During the Civil War, the Confederacy had its own Navy and Marine Corps. Find out who led them as the Confederate Navy grew from a dozen small ships to 130 vessels. Learn about the challenges experienced by the Confederate Navy and discover how it compared to the Union Navy. Explore the mission of the Confederate Navy as it sought to protect inland waterways, defend coastal areas, break the Union blockade, and raid enemy commerce. Examine the successes and failures of the Confederate Navy and the role of the Navy in Civil War battles.
- Topic: Confederate States of America
- Language: English
- Lexile: 1460
- URL:
Wilderness Campaign
One of the most violent and deadly campaigns of the American Civil War, the Wilderness Campaign was Ulysses S. Grant's plan to attack and destroy Robert E. Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. Learn about Grant's strategy on the Ohio History Central web site. Newly promoted to be supreme commander of all Union forces, Grant believed the way to defeat the South was to attack repeatedly and refuse to retreat. Find out how his strategy worked, especially in the first Battle of the Wilderness in early May of 1864.
- Topic: Wilderness, Battle of the, Va., 1864
- Language: English
- Lexile: 1090
- URL:
Battle of Antietam. also at this site.
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