Billboard and Web Pages
Microsoft Typography
If you are interested in a career in the field of advertising, one of the first things you need to know is how to get the consumer's attention. The best way to do this is by the type of fontor typefaceyou use in the ad. On this web site you
will be able to learn all about the typography that is offered by Microsoft. There are sections here on the fonts themselves, and you can also learn how to develop a few fonts of your own.
Topic: Advertising layout and typography, Typography
Librarian's note: Don't forget Clip Art, Word Art, and Publisher
About Spain
Everything you want to know about countries and cultures around the world. Also, coverage of the USA and individual states.
Available in French and Spanish, too. Username: studentsnhs Password: sites
World Book*
World Book Online is your online route to reliable, authoritative, easy-to-understand information and an array of supplementary search tools and information sources. World Book Online can fulfill many research needs. You may need the answer to a particular question. Or you may want general information to help with a school assignment. And, of course, many people simply like to explore World Book, letting one topic lead them to another. Available in Spanish.
World History in Context*
World History in Context is an engaging online experience for those seeking contextual information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in World History. The new solution merges Gale's authoritative reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
*Brought to you by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and Massachusetts Library System with state funds and federal Institute of Museum and Library Services funds.
Guernica ... the Spanish Civil War
Excellent information clearly stated about the Second Republic.
1975: Spanish Dictator Franco Dies
After ruling Spain for decades, Generalissimo Franco died in 1975 of heart failure. While his body lay in state at the palace, flags flew at half mast. On his deathbed, he asked forgiveness from his enemies even as he offered forgiveness to them. He requested loyalty and unity among the Spanish people as a king took his place. Learn about Franco's contributions during the Spanish Civil War, his role during World War II, and the repression that was common during his regime. Discover how Spain became a parliamentary monarchy after his death.
Topic: Franco, Francisco,--1892-1975
War and Conflict: Twentieth Century - Who Was Generalissimo Francisco Franco?
Advertising Help
Catchy advertising jingles and slogans remain in the consumer's mind many hours later. Visit How Stuff Works to find out how ad slogans work with this informative article on effective taglines. Companies use slogans so that consumers will remember their product or service and be persuaded to purchase it. Generic slogans rarely work but some companies have succeeded in creating slogans easily recognized by the public. The perfect tagline must be memorable, clever, convey a benefit of the product for the consumer, and differentiate the brand.
Topic: Advertising campaigns
Step back in time and look at forty cosmetic print advertisements from the 1950s. Think about the way women are portrayed as you analyze what the ads say about beauty. What makes a woman beautiful? One advertiser states that "few are born beautiful" but "all can achieve beauty." Ads promise glamour in five minutes, perfectly matched nail polish and lipstick the color of a rose, or the secret to Hollywood's beauty. From playing on a woman's fear of aging to promising the glamour of Paris, these ads offer more than just a cosmetic product.
Topic: Advertising--Cosmetics
Librarian's note: Excellent examples of ads. Look at the layouts.
Blue is reminiscent of the ocean or the sky and symbolizes a peaceful calm and cleanliness. Yellow illuminates like the sun, attracting attention or serving as a warning. Orange is associated with the fall harvest and visual safety while red symbolizes joyful exuberance, speed, passion, embarrassment, and anger. Study the symbolic associations connected with green, violet, and black as you learn about color psychology. Identify which colors are associated with jealousy, inexperience, royalty,
freedom, spring, dignity, and dreams
Topic: Colors
Spanish Civil War Poster Collection (Library of Congress) More posters with dates. Librarian's note: Get ideas.
AdFlip: The World's Largest Archive of Classic Print Ads
Here is an excellent web site that provides a sense of American history over the last sixty years including fads, fashions, trends, and products. The site advertises itself as the largest archive of classic print ads. It would be excellent for researching time periods as the thousands of ads enable the user to get a real sense of the times. For instance, the page on the nineteen fifties is composed of over five hundred advertisements that were used during that decade. Each ad contains a picture of the product as well as additional information about that time period that could be useful, such as the price, the features available, and a sense of the clothing and hair styles of the times. All of the ads are accessible by type of product as well as by time period.
Topic: Advertising, Americana
Librarian's note: Excellent examples of ads. Look at the layouts.
"American Women" is a Web site dedicated to the study of Women in history. In this "Prints and Photographs" section, you can view photos of advertising techniques. We all know that the packaging of goods influences whether or not we are tempted to purchase an item. Colorful posters and magazine ads advise the consumer on items they need. At this Web site you can examine many photographs of labels and posters used for advertising.
Topic: Advertising, Advertising campaigns, Consumers, Persuasion (Rhetoric), Propaganda
Clever and Creative Billboard Advertising
Examples of exceptionally artistic and creative billboards from around the world.
From a textbook about writing for the mass media, this online chapter teaches you how to write advertising copy. Learn what the best advertising can convince its readers to do and understand the importance of information in advertising. Key terms and concepts introduced include needs, demographics, product characteristics, the advertising situation and product benefits. There is a link to a professional organization in the field of advertising and a side bar with links to additional resources for writers.
Topic: Advertising copy
See the top 100 Advertising Campaigns of all time! Can you believe that Kellogg's Rice Krispies "Snap! Crackle! and Pop!" dates back to 1940? You'll read ads from as early as 1910 and there are some you will surely recognize. This site also allows you to view the actual newspaper advertisements of the top five.
Topic: Advertising campaigns
Creating A Web Page
This is a fun page dedicated to helping web design new comers create their own web pages. There are easy to follow step-by-step directions, which include learning to create and insert basic HTML tags and electronic images. There is also a link to other valuable resources and a sample page that will help the user familiarize themselves with the basic elements of a web page. Once you master the 7 simple steps on this page you will be able to create a fantastic web page of your very own.
Topic: Web sites--Design
This page is targeted at professional web page designers and carries a lot of information that would be useful for someone well versed in the technology field who is looking for advanced information on web design products, trends in web design and general reference information. By clicking one of the picture tabs at the top of the page, the user can access in-depth reference information, search the site, or access one of many links that provide additional valuable technology information.
Topic: Web sites, Web sites--Design
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