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Bone Cancers, Ewing('s) Sarcoma and Osteogenic Sarcoma

Bone Tumors and Sarcoma   In tumors, cells divide in an out-of-control way. Bone tumors start in skeletal bones. Soft tissue tumors start in muscle, fat, or organs. Malignant tumors are those that might spread. Bone sarcomas include Ewing sarcoma and osteosarcoma. Bone tumors usually occur in adolescence. Staging is based on the tumor size, growth rate, and spread. Discover common symptoms of bone cancer. If bone has to be removed in surgery, it will be replaced by bone or a metal implant if possible.   Topic: Bone Cancer   Language: English   Lexile: 1070   http://www.seattlechildrens.org

Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors   Tumors are uncontrollably dividing cells that form lumps or masses. The two types of tumors are benign, which aren’t cancerous and don’t spread to other parts of the body; and malignant, which are cancerous and invade other parts of the body (metastasis). If tumors form inside skeletal bones, they’re called bone tumors. If they start in muscle, fat or blood tissue, they’re referred to as soft tissue tumors. Most tumors that form in bones are benign, and three types are listed that are most often found in children and teenagers. Symptoms, diagnosis and treatments are also provided.  Topic: Benign tumors  Language: English  Lexile:1080  http://www.seattlechildrens.org

Ewing's Sarcoma   There are four different types of Ewing's sarcoma. This type of cancer can affect bone or soft tissue. Primitive neuroectodermal tumors can occur in either bone or soft tissue. Askin's tumors occur in the chest bones. Researchers don't know exactly where Ewing's sarcoma originates, but they do know that a chromosome mismatch occurs. Even though it occurs in the chromosome, it is not genetic. Imagine scans and a biopsy are used to identify the cancer, while additional tests determine if it has spread. A central venous catheter may be inserted for chemotherapy. Surgery removes the tumor and reconstructs the bone.
Topic: Bone Cancer   Language: English   Lexile: 1120      http://orthoinfo.aaos.org

Ewing Sarcoma   A cancerous tumor that can affect the bones of adolescents, Ewing sarcoma is named after a pathologist who first identified this type of cancer in the 1920s. Chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation may be used. This type of cancer may be mistaken for growing pains or a sports injury. Soreness and swelling is common, often worse at night or after activity. Cancer may make the bone weak and prone to breaking, seemingly for no reason. Imaging scans and a bone biopsy are used for diagnosis. Intravenous chemotherapy is typically used to shrink the tumor before surgery.
Topic: Bone Cancer   Language: English   Lexile: 1330      http://kidshealth.org

Ewing Sarcoma   Ewing sarcoma is rare but is one of the more common types of bone cancer. It typically affects long bones but may also be found in the soft tissue surrounding the bones. Chemotherapy is typically used first, and then combined with surgery or radiation. Whole body treatment is used even when the tumor is small. Oncologists, orthopedic surgeons, radiologists, and physical therapists are part of the cancer treatment team. Discover the role of different medical specialists in treatment.  Topic: Bone Cancer   Language: English   Lexile: 960   http://www.childrenshospital.org

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