Choir in the Middle Ages
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One section of a series of articles on life in medieval times tells you all about the music of the Middle Ages. You'll learn how music interacted with daily life, special occasions, and the meaning behind it. Although music of the Middle Ages does not sound the same as the music of today, you will find in interesting to see the other ways the music of medieval times is similar and different from modern music. From this page you will find many more links to information on medieval life and other topics from this time period as well.
Hildegard von Bingen is by far the best documented of all medieval composers, and her haunting, spiritual music still speaks to us across the centuries. Visited by visions throughout her life she claimed divine inspiration for her many songs. This BBC site provides audio clips of Hildegard's music, a bulleted list of important facts about Hildegard, a discography providing a full album listing, links to other Hildegard web sites, and more. A link is provided, for listening to the audio clips, to a free download of Real Player.
This report is a guide to Western Composers and their music from the Middle Ages to the present. The era of the migrations is referred to as the Migration Period. Historically this time was termed the "Dark Ages". Western civilization began to emerge from the period know as the "Dark Ages" around 500 A.D. The music of this time consists of church tunes that were collected and later coded as Gregorian chant. Recent research into this period has revealed music with an artistic sophistication.
The introduction at the web site of The Norton Anthology of English Literature provides an overview of literature from the Middle Ages. Literature topics to explore are medieval estates and orders, King Arthur, the First Crusade and Beowulf. Each of these topics includes text and contents, explorations, web resources and illustrations. In the review section you can access summaries, quizzes and connections. The extensive online archive offers a chronological index, author index and audio readings.
Annenberg presents this attractive web site detailing what it was like to live in the Middle Ages. Information is presented in a clear, concise manner which makes it easy for the user to navigate throughout the site. Links are available to the broad categories of feudal life, religion, homes, clothing, health, arts and entertainment, town life and resources. Additional links are offered to further details within each subject area.
Secrets of the Lost Empire: Medieval Siege
Are you studying medieval times? If so, you don't want to miss this web site. Read about what life was like living in a European Castle during the Middle Ages. Behind the castle walls, see how lords, ladies, archers, cooks, engineers, and carpenters lived. Read about medieval warfare, and the many tricks used to gain access into the castles. Learn about the trebuchet, which was the most destructive war tool used during this time.
Rights and Responsibilities in Medieval Guilds
In medieval times, people who had mastered a craft or trade were part of a guild. Membership in a guild required an apprenticeship and the willingness to meet the guild's requirements and responsibilities set by the guild. Belonging to a guild also gave a craftsman certain rights and privileges. Learn how guilds were a social and economic benefit to both members and customers. Understand the rights, roles, and responsibilities of bakers, blacksmiths, craftsmen, goldsmiths, merchants, millers, and stonecutters.
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