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Dante and Dante's Inferno

"How bitter another's bread is, thou shalt know 
By tasting it; and how hard to the feet 
Another's stairs are, up and down to go."
(in The Divine Comedy)


Dante Alighieri 

This web site provides a technical summary of Dante Alighieri's life and most famous works. Aside from learning about his life, one can read about his early poetry experience and his philosophical training. There is an analysis of specific works; the Convivio, the Monarchio, and the Commedia (The Divine Comedy.) A list of additional resources is also provided. There are direct quotes from his work, written in Tuscan Italian, accompanied by an English translation.

Topic: Dante Alighieri,--1265-1321Language: EnglishLexile: 1550  


URL: http://plato.stanford.edu


The Princeton Dante Project 

If you are interested in learning more about Dante Alighieri or his works, then this is the web site for you! Registration at this incredible web site is required, but there is no fee. One can read an English translation of The Divine Comedy or translations of several, but not all, of his works. One can learn about the artists who depicted Dante's visions, listen to a specific cantos in English or Italian, or read a lecture on his life or the moral situation of the reader. Links provide the reader with a great deal of additional information.

Topic: Dante Alighieri,--1265-1321Language: EnglishLexile: 1590  


URL: http://etcweb.princeton.edu

"Dante’s version of Hell actually has very little fire and burning. The reason for this is
that fire implies light, which conventionally represents good. To Dante, evil is not some
living, malicious force. Instead, it is a lack of life, a complete void, utter nothingness
(as you’ll see in the very last circle of Hell). So instead of fire, there is a lot more focus
on darkness, blindness, and confusion." from

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