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Historia Antiqua Mini-Museum - Greek & Roman Sculpture

Greek and Roman Sculpture
There are 165 pieces of Greek and Roman sculpture featured in the online collection on the website of the  Cleveland Museum of Art. You can click on each image to enlarge it and learn more about the work. Below the enlarged image there are additional views of the work. To the right of the image there are tabs you can click on to find out more information. Click on the See Also tab to learn the origin of the piece, the material it was made from and more.
Topic: Roman sculpture, Greek art  Language: English Image collection  http://www.clevelandart.org

The Art Institute of Chicago  Ancient and Byzantine: Greek

Greek and Roman Sculpture

There are 165 pieces of Greek and Roman sculpture featured in the online collection on the website of the Cleveland Museum of Art. You can click on each image to enlarge it and learn more about the work. Below the enlarged image there are additional views of the work. To the right of the image there are tabs you can click on to find out more information. Click on the See Also tab to learn the origin of the piece, the material it was made from and more.
Topic: Roman sculpture, Greek art   Language: English    Image collection     

Greek Sculpture Made Simple:History, Timeline, Characteristics of Statues, Reliefs from Ancient Greece

Suddenly Greek sculpture is utterly life-like.

Apollo Belvedere (330) by Leochares
Apollo Belvedere (330) by Leochares
Museo Pio Clementino, Rome.

Classical Connections: The Enduring Influence of Greek and Roman Art
Portraits were used in ancient Greece and Rome to honor people. Sculptors captured a realistic likeness, and used clothing and gestures to convey status. Pigment added to wet plaster allowed ancient Romans and Greeks to capture monstrous figures and landscapes in wall frescos and grottoes. Statues of goddesses portrayed cultural ideals of feminine beauty. Engraved gemstones served as a personal signature for documents or were used for cameos. Learn about glassblowing and wreaths in Roman times.
Topic: Roman art, Greek art   Language: English   Lexile: 1210     http://getty.edu

The Art Institute of Chicago Ancient and Byzantine:  Roman

Roman Sculpture

Much of early Roman sculpture began as copies of Greek sculpture, but later developed into works with their own unique features. Sculptures were created in many mediums, but much of what is preserved today are works in marble. Learn about the development of Roman sculpture and how sculpture was used in Roman society. Sculptures were created to decorate homes and to honor political figures. They were also used on architectural structures as a means to make a statement, and for tombstones. This article includes a timeline located at the right-hand side
of the page.
Topic: Roman sculpture   Language: English   Lexile: 1550    http://www.ancient.eu

The Tom and Nan Riley Collection of Roman Portrait Sculptures

The Tom and Nan Riley Collection of Roman Portrait Sculptures is part of a collection housed at the Cedar Rapids Museum of Arts. You can click on the About This Site link to learn more about the collection. Select from the links at the center of the page to view sculptures of Greeks, Roman Emperors, and Roman men, women, or children. Here you will find several images of each sculpture along with a commentary. Then refer to the links toward the upper left hand portion of the page for additional information including resources relating to the subject of the piece.
Topic: Roman sculpture   Language: English    Image collection      http://www.vroma.org

Roman Sculpture
The J. Paul Getty Museum owns hundreds of pieces of Roman sculpture. Check them out right here! To learn  more about the work, just click on the image or the title of the work. This will enlarge the image so you can see it in greater detail. You can then learn about the subject of the work by reading the accompanying essay. Other information such has what the piece is made from and its size and previous owners can also be found here.
Topic: Roman sculpture   Language: English   Lexile: 1270  Image collection  http://www.getty.edu

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