Human Rights Newspaper Article
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Academic OneFile
8,000 academic journals, the majority full-text, available in HTML and PDF formats. ... hundreds of podcasts and transcripts from NPR, CNN, and the CBC, as well as full-text New York Times content from 1985.
Boston Globe Newspaper
This publication's detailed indexing helps users quickly find the news information they need.
General Reference Center Gold
Magazines, reference books, and newspapers for information on current events, popular culture,
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The New York Times
This database includes full-text of the New York Times from January 1, 1985 to the present.
SIRS Issues Researcher
Outstanding research database offering statistics, news, information in multiple formats, and study tools. To access from home get username and password Information available at the Library Desk.
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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The ‘Universal Declaration of Human Rights’ was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on December 10, 1948, as a result of the atrocities committed in World War II. Eleanor Roosevelt, widow of American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, chaired the committee that drafted the UDHR. The thirty articles address the universal recognition that basic rights and fundamental freedoms are essential to all human beings, and that every person is born free and equal in dignity and rights, no matter one’s nationality, home, gender, race or ethnic origin, religion, language, or any other standing in the international community.
Topic: Human rights, Global issues Language: English Lexile: 1470
Human Rights
The atrocities of World War II led to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, written in 1948 after millions of people died. Some of the ways people’s human rights are abused are due to racism, gender- specifically women, religion, indigenous people who have been displaced for the purpose of gaining valuable resources where they live, age – especially in the case of child labor, corporation violations of human rights, over-reaching government surveillance such as the recent revelations by National Security Agency whistle blower, Edward Snowden.Topic: Human rights Language: English Lexile: 1330 Video
Human Rights page on the United Nations website:
Human Rights Reports
Gain perspective on the status of global human rights using this site from the U.S. Department of State. Every year the Department of State reports on all countries receiving assistance fro the U.S., as well as United Nation member states. Follow the hyperlink to view the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and define what liberties are covered by this umbrella term. Click on a year in the left column to access all the Human Rights Reports for that year. After selecting a year scroll over “Countries/Regions” for a look at human rights conditions in individual countries.
Topic: Human rights, Humanitarian assistance, American Language: English Lexile: 900
Amnesty International Human Rights Education Resources
Human Rights: Human Rights Begin at Home
The United States guarantees human rights to Americans. However, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) created a Human Rights Program in 2004 to make sure that the U.S. government was being accountable for these rights. Women, children, immigrants, prisoners, and people of all races and color need to be protected. The addition of national security enforcement has required a need for guaranteeing these rights even further. On this site, you can learn about the work of the ACLU and current news regarding human rights issues in the United States.
Topic: Human rights--United States Language: English Lexile: 1500
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