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Animal Cell Meiosis 
This is an excellent interactive animation of animal cell meiosis. You will have the opportunity to view a cell go through Meiosis I and Meiosis II in a smooth progression. You can also choose to click onto any phase to stop and view the cell in detail. When you click onto the magnifying glass in each phase, you will get a close-up and a written description of the phase. The Cells Alive Web site offers many other options to learn about cell biology.
Topic: Meiosis, Cell division
Language: English
Lexile: 1140
URL: http://www.cellsalive.com

Meiosis Tutorial
This web site goes through the stages of meiosis, which makes for a more complete understanding of the process. Test yourself with a small quiz. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to understand the difference between mitosis and meiosis, the number of chromosomes present in the process, and the phases of meiosis. This is a great site to look at after your class lessons or to just learn more about the process.
Topic: Meiosis
Language: English
Lexile: 1300
URL: http://www.biology.arizona.edu


Encyclopædia Britannica and Online School Edition

Science in Context*
"...provides topic overviews, experiments, biographies, pictures and illustrations...from over 200 magazines and academic journals and links to quality web sites...curriculum-related science topics, and easy-to-use tool to identify content directly correlated to state and national standards."

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