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Mourning and Burial Customs: Hindu

Hindu Funeral Rites

Hindu Art and Culture, an Introduction

One of the oldest world religions, Hinduism has a host of deities and a code of behavior. A billion people follow this religion, which is common in India. The beliefs of Hinduism are diverse, but the name comes from the Indus River rather than a founder. Statues, relief sculptures, and images of deities and mythological characters are used in worship. Temples are believed to be dwelling places for deities. The Vedas and other Hindu epics are often recorded in illustrated manuscripts.
Topic: Hindu art, Hinduism  Language: English  Lexile: 1270 Video: https://www.khanacademy.org


Both a philosophy and a religion, Hinduism began over three thousand years ago in India. Rishis were Hindu teachers who understood Brahman, the Supreme Spirit who is everywhere and in everything. Brahman cannot be identified by a single image or attribute, but takes many forms. Sacred stories each tell about one aspect of Brahman. A sandstone sculpture of Ganesha shows the dancing elephant with a missing tusk. Krishna, an avatar of Vishnu, is also depicted dancing. Another statue of Vishnu is preparing for Divine Descent. Broken statues cannot be used for worship.
Topic: Hindu art, Hinduism Language: English Lexile: 1140 http://ackland.org


For the Hindu people in India, Hinduism is not only a religion; it is part of their existence. This BBC web site teaches about Hinduism and its beliefs and practices. The basic elements of Hinduism are described and also compared to other religions. Learn how the Hindu people practice their religion and what they believe about the cycle of lives. Hindu gods and Hindu scriptures are discussed. Issues in contemporary Hinduism are explained. The site contains several audio clips.
Topic: Hinduism Language: English Lexile: 1290 http://www.bbc.co.uk

Gandhi's Ashes Scattered Into Arabian Sea

Gandhi is a symbol of peaceful resistance and sacrifice all over the world. Although he was assassinated over sixty years ago, the impact he made on the people in his native land of India is still very strong. This article discusses the scattering of his ashes in a commemorative ceremony to mark the anniversary of his death. Readers will learn about Gandhi's life and death, including details about the traditions of the Hindu religion concerning death and burial.
Topic: Gandhi, Mahatma  Language: English Lexile: 1430 Biography: http://news.nationalgeographic.com

What Happens at Hindu Funeral Services in the U.S.?

Hinduism Funeral Traditions

Hindu Funeral and Burial Customs 

"Death and burial customs in the Hindu traditions provide a structure for honoring the deceased and offering comfort for the grieving family during the time of loss. As Hinduism upholds the belief of cycles of life through reincarnation, the rituals also prepare the deceased for the life to come."

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