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Mourning and Burial Customs: Native Americans

Native American Funeral Service Rituals

"Although Native American nations do not share a single faith or common practice, some suggestions for proper behavior during sacred ceremonies can be derived from worldviews based on spiritual values. Centuries ahead of current eco-friendly trends, Native American burials are naturally green."

Article: Toby Blackstar Discusses Funeral Customs in Native American Communities

What Masks Reveal: Background

More than just colorful works of art, masks have cultural and traditional meaning. A mask can provide a disguise, or allow a person to take on another identity. The mask of a clown sets different guidelines for acceptable behavior. The ritual use of masks is particularly important during rites of passage. In Native American and African cultures, masks symbolically allowed the wearer to communicate for the spirits. In Japanese theatre and Korean dance, masks enhanced storytelling.
Topic: Masks (Facial)  Language: English  Lexile: 1220   http://edsitement.neh.gov

Cultural Death, Cemetery and Funeral Traditions Series: Native Americans

"More than two million Native American Indians live in the United States and their death and funeral practices vary greatly depending on their tribe.  Overall, funeral services are a sacred event that honors the dead and brings the community together. A spiritual leader or medicine man will typically lead the ceremony and deceased ancestors are ‘invited’ to the ritual. Pipes may be smoked and/or herbs may be burned."


"...Custom usually dictated some type of purification ritual at the time of burial. Certain ceremonies called for secondary interments following incineration or exposure of the body, and in such cases, the rites might extend over some time period. Where the distinctions in social status were marked, the rites were more elaborate."

Native American funerals have changed but retain unique qualities

Sean Ryan, Journal Staff

"...Today, Lakota burial rites blend old and new traditions. Funeral practices incorporate Native American spirituality and Christian sentiment, so families invite both clergy and medicine men to lead services..."

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