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Mourning and Burial Customs: Spiritism

Allan Kardec (1804-1869)

"Allan Kardec is considered the father of Spiritism -- as compared to Spiritualism -- in France. His real name was Hypolyte Leon Denizard Rivail. The pseudonym originated from mediumistic communications. Both the names "Allan" and "Kardec" were said to have been his names in previous incarnations."

Spiritism in Denmark

"Spiritism is a way of thinking and a philosophy of life. You can very well have other religious beliefs and at the same time be a Spiritist in Denmark...Spiritism asks the big questions about life and death. Who are we? From where do we come? To where do we go after the physical death?"

Death and Spirit Life According to Spiritism

by Sonia Doi, MD, PhD *

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