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Steroids from Kids Health
Drugs commonly referred to as "steroids" are classified as anabolic (or anabolic-androgenic) and corticosteroids. Corticosteroids, such as cortisone, are drugs that doctors typically prescribe to help control inflammation in the body. They're often used to help control conditions like asthma and lupus. They're not the same as the anabolic steroids that receive so much media attention for their use by some athletes and bodybuilders.

Anabolic Steroids
If you are researching anabolic steroids for a school project, then you should access the abundance of information found at this web site. Learn the legitimate human health benefits of these drugs, as well as the physical and psychological effects of them on the bodies and minds of abusers. What percentage of teens actually use them? Find out here. Access the provided links to read real stories of anabolic steroid abuse, educating others on steroid abuse, and ways to overcome abuse of these drugs.
Topic: Steroids, Steroid abuse   Language: English    Lexile: 1280       http://teens.drugabuse.gov

Steroid Use Damages Health Later in Life 
A fascinating study of retired National Football League players looked at the long term health damage from using anabolic steroids. Read about a survey sent to all 3683 living members of the league. Find out how many had used anabolic-androgenic steroids and find out what types of injuries were reported by those who used steroids. This article from Psych Central also reports that the steroid users had an increased risk of osteoarthritis, depression and increased alcohol use.
Topic: Steroids, Athletes--Drug use, Steroid abuse       Language: English          http://psychcentral.com

NIDA InfoFacts: Steroids (Anabolic-Androgenic)      
The National Institute on Drug Abuse provides information on the science of drug abuse and addiction. Read facts about anabolic-androgenic steroids. Anabolic-androgenic steroids are man-made substances related to male sex hormones. Learn about the many health hazards inherent in steroid abuse. They include liver tumors, severe acne, and high blood pressure. Read about the extent of anabolic steroid use in America. The site provides links to related information. Find information on other drugs, as well.   Topic: Steroid abuse   Language: English    Lexile: 1480       http://www.nida.nih.gov

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