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Stomach Cancer

Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC)
Stomach or gastric cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths worldwide. Due to it being difficult to diagnose, it’s often not discovered until the patient is in the late stages. One in four is the overall 5-year survival rate. In the mid-1960s, gastric cancer kept occurring in a Maori tribal family in New Zealand, but it wasn’t until 1998 that a gene mutation was discovered. That meant that some families were susceptible for developing stomach cancer and often died young. Check out this site, which shows how some people with the gene choose to live without a stomach. Topic: Stomach cancer   Language: English  Lexile: 1400  Video    http://www.nostomachforcancer.org

Stomach Cancer

Although it’s not clear what causes stomach cancer, doctors have discovered a strong link between stomach cancer and a diet high in smoked, salted and pickled foods. The rate of stomach cancer has declined, though as more people are using refrigeration as a means of preserving food rather than almost entirely on the old methods of smoking, salting and pickling foods. Use the links to learn about other risk factors besides highly salted and pickled foods, such as not eating enough fruits and vegetables or eating foods that contain aflatoxin fungus.
Topic: Stomach cancer  Language: English  Lexile: 1170 http://www.mayoclinic.org

Gastric Cancer Treatment (PDQ)
Stomach or gastric cancer occurs when malignant cells start to grow in the lining of the stomach, which is a part of the upper digestive system. The stomach’s function is to partly digest the food before it passes it on to the small intestine. Cancer begins in the mucosal layer of the stomach and then spreads through the other layers. Risk factors for stomach cancer involve age, diet, smoking, other stomach issues, and a family history of stomach cancer. Symptoms of gastric cancer in the early and late stages are listed, along with tests and procedures to detect it. Topic: Stomach cancer Language: English Lexile: 1040 http://www.cancer.gov

Stomach Cancer
There are many risk factors that tend to cause stomach cancer, but it’s primarily caused by Helicobacter pylori infection. Worldwide, stomach cancer is the second most common death by cancer and is extremely high in Japan, China, Chile and Iceland. In the United States, it’s the 7th most common cancer, and occurs most often among Blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans. Age is another major factor; three-quarters of stomach cancer patients are over fifty years of age. Learn about the pathophysiology or how the cancer manifests itself, the symptoms, diagnosis and prognosis, and treatment. Topic: Stomach cancer Language: English http://www.merckmanuals.com

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