Story Behind a Move
Teacher Name: ____________________
Subject: Spanish 5
Investigation: Internet activity:
At times we need to understand the story and the history behind a move in order to appreciate the situation and the emotions expressed in the film. This is especially true about films that take place in a country which has been isolated from our own country.
Utiliza los siguientes enlaces e identifica los personajes, lugares, y eventos para ganar un mejor entendimiento sobre la historia y la cultura de Cuba. Cómo ha influido este evento el desarrollo del país? Cuál es su importancia hoy en la actualidad? Prepara una presentación para la clase en forma de un PowerPoint o Página Web con tus conclusiones.
(Use the following links to identify key information about the people of Cuba, places, and events to gain a better understanding of the history and the culture of Cuba. How has this person/place/event influenced the development of the country? What is its real significance today? Prepare a presentation for the class in Spanish in the form of a PowerPoint, Newsletter or Web Page with your findings.)
You should research the following people, places, and events about Cuba. Para las personas, no te olvides indentificar lo siguiente también: Cuando nacieron? Por qué es/era importante? Para los lugares e eventos: Cómo ha influido este lugar o evento el desarrollo del país? Cuál es su importancia hoy en la actualidad?
- Fulgencio Batista
- Fidel Castro
- Che Guevara
- Dizzy Gillespie
- José Martí
- Arturo Sandoval
- La Habana/ La Havana
- Guantánamo
- Cuban Revolution - En qué año...? Contra quiénes...? Qué clase de gobierno se estableció?
You should manage your time wisely over the summer as you will have a lot of research to do on each of the topics. By the end of beginning of August you should have already completed most of your research and be planning your presentation. Please see PowerPoint / Web Page Planning Graphic organizer to help you. You multimedia project needs to be completed by the time you return to school along with your reflection of your work emailed to me (see below).
- The Cuban Revolution (1952-1958)
- Historia de la Música Cubana de Concierto - A History of Cuban Concert Music
- Ballet Nacional de Cuba
- Guantanamo Bay
Destiny Websites
Castro, Fidel
The revolutionary regime of Fidel Castro made Cuba a leader in Latin America. Few the few years that Fulgencio Batista controlled the Cuban government, Castro was the leader of an underground faction and uprising designed to drive him from power. Castro assumed power in 1959 and became the radical leader of a one-party socialist state. Opponents were executed, American-owned companies were seized, and communism was embraced. Literacy and health care were improved within Cuba even as Castro made alliances with the Soviet Union and supported revolutions in other Latin American countries.
Background Note: Cuba
Since 1959, Fidel Castro has controlled Cuba - a totalitarian communist state. In the state-run economy, more than ninety percent of the labor force is employed by the government. Learn this and more through the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, background note--an excellent introduction to the geography, government, political conditions, foreign relations, economy, people, culture, and history of Cuba. The entry includes a map and an image of Cuba's flag.
Topic: Cuba
On This Day: Che Guevara Executed
An On This Day features the day that Che Guevara was executed by CIA operatives and members of the Bolivian army. You will find out what happened when the Bolivian Rangers came upon Guevara the day before he was executed, where Guevara was taken, and the varying accounts of his execution. An interview with a former CIA agent describes Guevara's reaction when he learned he would receive a trial and would be executed. This is followed by a biography of Guevara and a description of his legacy.
Topic: Guevara, Ernesto,--1928-1967
Galeria Cubana
Take an online trip to the Galeria Cubana to learn about contemporary Cuban art. Cuba's unique cultural history has produced extraordinary art varying broadly in styles, methods, and materials. Galeria Cubana focuses on introducing Cuban artwork rarely seen in the U.S. It is easy to navigate around the site. You can explore the contents of the gallery online by the different types of art or by particular artists. Biographical information and pictures of the artists are included along with the artwork. You will gain an appreciation for the broad range of styles and depth of talent in Cuban art.
Topic: Art, Cuban, Cuban art
See Señora Kelley's School Website for your multimedia presentation rubric. (
Effective Web Quests have a built in mechanism for student reflections. To receive feedback, I would like each of you to e-mail me sharing your thoughts about your web quest experience. (
- EResources
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Historical Links
- Immigrant Groups in the West
- Immigrant Groups in the West Making the Connections
- Immigration Symbols
- Immigration West
- Industrial Revolution Resources List
- Industrialists
- Korean War
- Legacy of Jim Crow
- The 60's
- Women and the Industrial Revolution
- Working Women and the Industrial Revolution
- Working Women During the Industrial Revolution
- Against Slavery
- Immigration
- Louis Braille An Exceptional Man
- MLA and APA Style Guides
- Norwood High School Home
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